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Life and Death in Sublimation: The Artistic Survival of Hans Reichel in World War II France
American Imago ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/aim.2018.0031
Deborah L. Browning

On the twentieth of October 1937 in Paris, 18 Villa Seurat of Henry Miller fame was crowded with visitors to the opening of an exhibition of the recent works of the forty-five-year-old, German émigré painter Hans Reichel. [Figure 1] It was being held in the second floor flat of the young American painter Betty Ryan. Miller and Ryan had planned this exhibition when they learned of the extent of financial hardship which had befallen their mutual friend. The guest book shows the signatures of Kandinsky, Miro, Duchamp, and Max Ernst, who adds “tres belle exposition!” The photographer Brassai was there. Others who signed in were the surrealist poet Raymond Queneau, the playwright Henri-René Lenormand, Anaïs Nin, Lawrence Durrell, and of course, Henry Miller. Lenormand would pay an extremely high price—negotiated up by Ryan—for a particular favorite oil the painter had initially been reluctant to sell; [Figure 2] but with that money, Reichel would be able to settle his long overdue account at the Hôtel des Terrasses where he had been living across the hall from Brassai, and to move to new quarters, a tiny room, on a short dead-end street in Paris’s



1937 年 10 月 20 日,在巴黎,亨利·米勒 (Henry Miller) 著名的修拉 18 号别墅为 45 岁的德国移民画家汉斯·赖歇尔 (Hans Reichel) 的近期作品展览开幕,这里挤满了参观者。【图1】它在美国年轻画家贝蒂瑞恩的二楼公寓里举行。当米勒和瑞安得知他们共同的朋友遭遇经济困难时,他们计划了这次展览。留言簿上有康定斯基、米罗、杜尚和马克斯·恩斯特的签名,他还加上了“tres belle exposition!”。摄影师布拉塞在那里。其他签约的还有超现实主义诗人雷蒙德·奎诺、剧作家亨利·勒内·勒诺曼、阿娜伊斯·宁、劳伦斯·杜雷尔,当然还有亨利·米勒。Lenormand 会为一种画家最初不愿出售的特别喜欢的油支付极高的价格——由瑞恩协商。[图 2] 但有了这笔钱,Reichel 就可以在他住在 Brassai 大厅对面的 Hôtel des Terrasses 中结清他拖欠已久的帐单,并搬到新的宿舍,一个小房间,在一个短暂的死亡- 巴黎的尽头街道