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Southwest Studies, Indian Children's Art, and Tourism Promotion: The American and Dutch Career and Collection of Lucy Schouten, 1950–1970
Journal of the Southwest ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jsw.2018.0011
Pieter Hovens

During the 1990s, the curator at the National Museum of Ethnology (Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde [RMV]) in Leiden, the Netherlands, made the acquaintance of Lucy Schouten, an older lady with an explicit interest in North American Indians. Although she indicated to have lived and studied for some time in the American West, and had collected several items of Navajo dress and silver and turquoise jewelry, part of which was purchased by the museum in 1963 (series RMV 3978 and 3982), she remained evasive when specific questions were asked. After a number of years she considered the disposal of her small collection of silver Indian jewelry to fund a trip to the Himalayas, and invited the curator to her home in Oegstgeest, a town a few miles north of Leiden. Her small apartment was crammed with furniture and books, and an eclectic mix of memorabilia from her travels through Europe and around the world. It was immediately obvious that North America and the Himalayas and their Native peoples were her most favored regions and cultures. She showed the curator a number of drawings done by Indian children in Arizona and New Mexico in the early 1950s, and hinted at more in storage. She again declined to elaborate on the subject. As no agreement was reached on the purchase of the jewelry the small collection was eventually acquired by the Gerardus Van der Leeuw Anthropology Museum in Groningen, now incorporated by the Groningen University Museum.1 On January 23, 2002, Lucy Schouten passed away at the age of 82.


西南研究、印度儿童艺术和旅游推广:美国和荷兰的 Lucy Schouten 职业生涯和收藏,1950-1970

在 1990 年代,荷兰莱顿国家民族学博物馆 (Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde [RMV]) 的馆长结识了露西·舒滕,一位对北美印第安人有着浓厚兴趣的老太太。虽然她表示曾在美国西部生活和学习过一段时间,并收集了几件纳瓦霍服饰以及银和绿松石首饰,其中一部分于 1963 年被博物馆购买(RMV 3978 和 3982 系列),但她仍然被问到具体问题时回避。几年后,她考虑处理她的少量印度银首饰来资助前往喜马拉雅山的旅行,并邀请策展人到她位于莱顿以北几英里的小镇 Oegstgeest 的家中。她的小公寓里塞满了家具和书籍,以及她在欧洲和世界各地旅行时留下的各种纪念品。很明显,北美和喜马拉雅山及其土著人民是她最喜欢的地区和文化。她向策展人展示了 1950 年代初期由亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的印度儿童绘制的许多画作,并暗示将有更多作品收藏。她再次拒绝详细说明这个问题。由于未能就购买珠宝达成一致,这件小收藏品最终被格罗宁根的 Gerardus Van der Leeuw 人类学博物馆收购,现在格罗宁根大学博物馆已合并。1 2002 年 1 月 23 日,Lucy Schouten 去世,享年共 82 个。很明显,北美和喜马拉雅山及其土著人民是她最喜欢的地区和文化。她向馆长展示了 1950 年代初期在亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州绘制的印度儿童的一些画作,并暗示了更多的存储空间。她再次拒绝详细说明这个问题。由于未能就购买珠宝达成一致,这件小收藏品最终被格罗宁根的 Gerardus Van der Leeuw 人类学博物馆收购,现在格罗宁根大学博物馆已合并。1 2002 年 1 月 23 日,Lucy Schouten 去世,享年共 82 个。很明显,北美和喜马拉雅山及其土著人民是她最喜欢的地区和文化。她向策展人展示了 1950 年代初期由亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的印度儿童绘制的许多画作,并暗示将有更多作品收藏。她再次拒绝详细说明这个问题。由于未能就购买珠宝达成一致,这件小收藏品最终被格罗宁根的 Gerardus Van der Leeuw 人类学博物馆收购,现在格罗宁根大学博物馆已合并。1 2002 年 1 月 23 日,Lucy Schouten 去世,享年共 82 个。