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'O'odham Place Names Based on Rocks and Minerals
Journal of the Southwest ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jsw.2017.0028
Harry J. Winters

In centuries past the ‘O’odham had names for thousands of topographical features: mountains of all shapes and sizes, watering places of many kinds, villages, and cultural or geological curiosities. At least hundreds of these names are still known either because they are still in use or because they are found in historical records. I include in the term ‘O’odham all those Pimans known as (1) the Tohono ‘O’odham in Arizona and Sonora, (2) the ‘Akimeli ‘O’odham living along the Middle Gila River and in the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, (3) the Sobaipuris who formerly occupied the San Pedro River Valley and part of the Upper Santa Cruz River Valley, (4) the ‘O’odham, probably relatives of the Tohono ‘O’odham of the Hickiwan District, who lived among the Piipaash or Maricopas along the Lower Gila River, (5) the Pimas of northern and western Sonora, and (6) the Hiach’ed. ‘O’odham called Sand Papagos in English and Areneños (Sand People) in Spanish. This article is an introduction to the variety of ‘O’odham place names based on bedrock outcrops and the products of physical and chemical weathering and erosion of those outcrops. The ‘O’odham classify the products of weathering and erosion mainly by particle size rather than by the type of rock, or source rock, from which the erosion products are derived. The ‘O’odham classification system is not a rigorous, quantitative one. There can be overlaps. We have hodi, ‘o’od., ‘o’ohia, hia, and bid in descending order of particle size.


'O'odham 基于岩石和矿物的地名

在过去的几个世纪里,'O'odham 以数以千计的地形特征命名:各种形状和大小的山脉、各种水源、村庄以及文化或地质奇观。至少有数百个这样的名字仍然为人所知,要么是因为它们仍在使用,要么是因为它们在历史记录中被发现。我在术语 'O'odham 中包括了所有被称为 (1) 亚利桑那州和索诺拉州的 Tohono 'O'odham 的皮曼人,(2) 生活在吉拉河中游和盐河皮马河沿岸的 'Akimeli 'O'odham马里科帕印第安人社区,(3) 以前占据圣佩德罗河谷和上圣克鲁斯河谷部分地区的 Sobaipuris,(4) 'O'odham,可能是 Hickiwan 区的 Tohono 'O'odham 的亲戚,住在下吉拉河沿岸的皮帕什或马里科帕斯之间,(5) 北部和西部索诺拉的 Pimas,和 (6) Hiach'ed。'O'odham 在英语中称为 Sand Papagos,在西班牙语中称为 Areneños(沙人)。本文介绍了基于基岩露头的各种 'O'odham 地名以及这些露头的物理和化学风化和侵蚀的产物。'O'odham 主要根据颗粒大小而不是根据产生侵蚀产物的岩石或源岩的类型对风化和侵蚀产物进行分类。'O'odham 分类系统不是一个严格的、定量的系统。可能有重叠。我们有 hodi、'o'od.、'o'ohia、hia 和按粒度降序出价。本文介绍了基于基岩露头的各种 'O'odham 地名以及这些露头的物理和化学风化和侵蚀的产物。'O'odham 主要根据颗粒大小而不是根据产生侵蚀产物的岩石或源岩的类型对风化和侵蚀产物进行分类。'O'odham 分类系统不是一个严格的、定量的系统。可能有重叠。我们有 hodi、'o'od.、'o'ohia、hia 和按粒度降序出价。本文介绍了基于基岩露头的各种 'O'odham 地名以及这些露头的物理和化学风化和侵蚀的产物。'O'odham 主要根据颗粒大小而不是根据产生侵蚀产物的岩石或源岩的类型对风化和侵蚀产物进行分类。'O'odham 分类系统不是一个严格的、定量的系统。可能有重叠。我们有 hodi、'o'od.、'o'ohia、hia 和按粒度降序出价。'O'odham 分类系统不是一个严格的、定量的系统。可能有重叠。我们有 hodi、'o'od.、'o'ohia、hia 和按粒度降序出价。'O'odham 分类系统不是一个严格的、定量的系统。可能有重叠。我们有 hodi、'o'od.、'o'ohia、hia 和按粒度降序出价。