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Victorian Literature and Culture ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-16 , DOI: 10.1017/s1060150318000062
Stephanie L. Johnson

Ghosts haunt Christina Rossetti's poetry. Amidst the lyrics, devotional poems, and children's verse, poems about ghosts and hauntings recur as material evidence of Rossetti's fascination with spectral presences. That fascination poses a particular interpretive puzzle in light of her religious convictions and piety. We might be tempted to identify the recurring ghosts as just another nineteenth-century flirtation with spiritualism – the spiritualism by which her brothers William and Gabriel were intrigued, attending séances and testing the validity of communications from the dead. Rossetti, however, clearly dismissed spiritualism as false belief and a means to sin. We might also be tempted to divide Rossetti's poetry into the secular and the sacred and to categorize the ghost poems as the former, yet much recent criticism on Rossetti has argued successfully for the pervasiveness of her religious voice even in works that seem not to be religious. Finally, in seeking to hear a religious resonance, we might be tempted to interpret her ghosts as representative of the Holy Ghost, yet that interpretation could only be asserted at the expense of the poems themselves; as narrative poems, most of them involve ghosts of dead lovers, desired by the living for themselves – not as experiences of God's presence. Rossetti's use of ghosts within short narrative or dialogic poems of the late 1850s and 60s concerning human desire for lost love invites closer inspection, especially when such poems overtly treat her religious beliefs.



鬼魂萦绕在克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂的诗歌中。在歌词、虔诚的诗歌和儿童诗歌中,关于鬼魂和鬼魂的诗歌反复出现,作为罗塞蒂对幽灵存在的迷恋的物质证据。鉴于她的宗教信仰和虔诚,这种迷恋构成了一个特殊的解释难题。我们可能会倾向于将反复出现的鬼魂视为 19 世纪对招魂术的又一次调情——她的兄弟威廉和加布里埃尔对招魂术很感兴趣,他们参加了降神会并测试了死者通讯的有效性。然而,罗塞蒂清楚地将招魂术视为错误的信仰和犯罪的手段。我们也可能倾向于将罗塞蒂的诗歌划分为世俗和神圣,并将鬼诗归类为前者,然而,最近对罗塞蒂的许多批评成功地证明了她的宗教声音的普遍性,即使在似乎不是宗教的作品中也是如此。最后,为了寻求宗教共鸣,我们可能会倾向于将她的鬼魂解释为圣灵的代表,但这种解释只能以牺牲诗歌本身为代价来主张;作为叙事诗,它们中的大多数都涉及死去的恋人的鬼魂,是生者为自己所渴望的——而不是作为对上帝同在的体验。罗塞蒂在 1850 年代后期和 60 年代关于人类对失恋的渴望的短篇叙事诗或对话诗中对鬼魂的使用引起了更仔细的审视,尤其是当这些诗公开地对待她的宗教信仰时。在寻求听到宗教共鸣时,我们可能会倾向于将她的鬼魂解释为圣灵的代表,但这种解释只能以牺牲诗歌本身为代价来主张;作为叙事诗,它们中的大多数都涉及死去的恋人的鬼魂,是生者为自己所渴望的——而不是作为对上帝同在的体验。罗塞蒂在 1850 年代后期和 60 年代关于人类对失恋的渴望的短篇叙事诗或对话诗中对鬼魂的使用引起了更仔细的审视,尤其是当这些诗公开地对待她的宗教信仰时。在寻求听到宗教共鸣时,我们可能会倾向于将她的鬼魂解释为圣灵的代表,但这种解释只能以牺牲诗歌本身为代价来主张;作为叙事诗,它们中的大多数都涉及死去的恋人的鬼魂,是生者为自己所渴望的——而不是作为对上帝同在的体验。罗塞蒂在 1850 年代后期和 60 年代关于人类对失恋的渴望的短篇叙事诗或对话诗中对鬼魂的使用引起了更仔细的审视,尤其是当这些诗公开地对待她的宗教信仰时。活着的人为自己所渴望的——而不是作为上帝同在的经历。罗塞蒂在 1850 年代后期和 60 年代关于人类对失恋的渴望的短篇叙事诗或对话诗中对鬼魂的使用引起了更仔细的审视,尤其是当这些诗公开地对待她的宗教信仰时。活着的人为自己所渴望的——而不是作为上帝同在的经历。罗塞蒂在 1850 年代后期和 60 年代关于人类对失恋的渴望的短篇叙事诗或对话诗中对鬼魂的使用引起了更仔细的审视,尤其是当这些诗公开地对待她的宗教信仰时。