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Cli-fi, Petroculture, and the Environmental Humanities: An Interview with Stephanie LeMenager
Studies in the Novel ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/sdn.2018.0008
River Ramuglia

Stephanie LeMenager is the Barbara and Carlisle Moore Dis tinguished Professor of English and American Literature at the University of Oregon. She is the author of Living Oil: Petroleum Culture in the American Century, cofounder and advisory board member of the journal Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, and a passionate advocate for cross-disciplinary engagement with environmental culture. In addition to her academic work, which includes numerous publications in the fields of American Studies and environmental criticism, LeMenager has been profiled in the New York Times, Time Magazine, and ClimateWire, and has also appeared as a guest on National Public Radio’s Science Friday. The following interview was conducted via email in May 2017. In response to questions by River Ramuglia, LeMenager shares her perspective on the genesis and current popularity of the cli-fi genre, discusses the relevance of her work in the current political climate (even recommending a novel to Rex Tillerson), and contemplates the future of the environmental humanities in an era of rapid technological, political, and environmental change.



Stephanie LeMenager 是俄勒冈大学芭芭拉和卡莱尔摩尔英美文学杰出教授。她是 Living Oil: Petroleum Culture in the American Century 的作者,Resilience: A Journal of the Environment Humanities 杂志的联合创始人和顾问委员会成员,以及对环境文化跨学科参与的热情倡导者。除了她的学术工作(包括美国研究和环境批评领域的众多出版物)外,LeMenager 还曾在《纽约时报》、《时代》杂志和《气候线》上发表文章,并且还作为嘉宾出现在国家公共广播电台的科学星期五. 以下采访是在 2017 年 5 月通过电子邮件进行的。 为了回答 River Ramuglia 的问题,