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The Monumental Knausgård: Big Data, Quantified Self, and Proust for the Facebook Generation
Narrative ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/nar.2018.0016
Inge van de Ven

This article examines how Karl Ove Knausgard's My Struggle intertwines with contemporary developments in media and technologies of self-representation and - expression. First, I situate this series within the generic frame of 'autofiction' and explain the rationale behind this categorization. Then I outline developments that have led to an increasing emphasis on scale and quantification in Western culture: the emergence of big data, the accompanying mindset of 'datafication,' and 'quantified self-movement,' and the shift from narrative to database. I argue that these together amount to a shift to more inclusive scope in literature. I propose that My Struggle subverts the binary between narrative and database, and single out three devices through which this is done: interminable narration, lists, and the anaphoric singulative frequency. On the basis of these, I pose that My Struggle adopts an aesthetics of scale: a quantitative mode of narration in which causality and closure make way for seriality and accumulation. The second part of the article considers important media-specific differences between these works and self-representation through digital media. It examines how Knausgard's literature promotes an awareness of writing as a digressive and regressive mode of recording characterized by delay and poses an alternative to ideals of instantaneity and immediacy underlying trends of quantified self and big data. I conclude that contemporary autofictional narratives harbor a potential of provocation and a promise of pleasure and reflection in societies that privilege speed and immediacy. Thus, the article offers new insights in how book-bound literary narratives undergo transformations under the influence of digitalization.


不朽的 Knausgård:大数据、量化自我和 Facebook 一代的普鲁斯特

本文探讨了 Karl Ove Knausgard 的《我的奋斗》如何与当代媒体和自我表现和表达技术的发展交织在一起。首先,我将这个系列置于“自传”的一般框架内,并解释这种分类背后的基本原理。然后我概述了导致西方文化越来越重视规模和量化的发展:大数据的出现,伴随着“数据化”和“量化自我运动”的心态,以及从叙述到数据库的转变。我认为,这些共同构成了文学向更具包容性的范围的转变。我建议《我的奋斗》颠覆叙事和数据库之间的二元性,并挑出三种实现这一点的手段:无休止的叙述、列表、和照应单数频率。在此基础上,我提出《我的奋斗》采用一种尺度美学:一种定量的叙述方式,其中因果关系和封闭性为连续性和积累让路。文章的第二部分考虑了这些作品与通过数字媒体进行自我表现之间的重要媒体特定差异。它考察了 Knausgard 的文学如何促进人们意识到写作是一种以延迟为特征的离题和倒退的记录模式,并提出了对量化自我和大数据潜在趋势的即时性和即时性理想的替代方案。我的结论是,在重视速度和即时性的社会中,当代自编小说具有挑衅的潜力,并有望带来愉悦和反思。因此,