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Reflections: A Compilation of Essays on Working with Databases
Eighteenth-Century Fiction ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.3138/ecf.33.1.103
Katherine Binhammer

Abstract:This short reflection considers how the Eighteenth Century Collections Online database has changed scholarship, sometimes for the worse. Through the example of a paper I wrote on the Pacific Northwest sea otter trade in Canada, I argue that more texts do not equal more knowledge. This essay suggests two positive ways digital resources can assist eighteenth-century studies: freetext searches of primary texts and humanities-based linked knowledge such as Orlando: Women's Writing in the British Isles.



摘要:这篇简短的反思考虑了 18 世纪在线收藏数据库如何改变学术,有时甚至更糟。通过我写的一篇关于加拿大太平洋西北海獭贸易的论文的例子,我认为更多的文本并不等于更多的知识。这篇文章提出了数字资源可以帮助 18 世纪研究的两种积极方式:原始文本的自由文本搜索和基于人文的相关知识,例如奥兰多:不列颠群岛的女性写作。