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Balancing International Police Cooperation: INTERPOL and the Undesirable Trade-off Between Rights of Individuals and Global Security
Liverpool Law Review Pub Date : 2020-10-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10991-020-09266-9
Giulio Calcara

With 194 members, INTERPOL is the most influential actor in matters of transnational policing. Regrettably, the organisation is vulnerable against cases of misuse. Certain states manage to exploit the tools of the organisation, to persecute and track political dissidents or non-aligned members of the media outside their borders. As such, INTERPOL has become a prime example on how non-democratic countries can exert their influence and expand their reach well beyond their domestic jurisdictions via their participation in international organisations. Not wanting to allow the proliferation of criminal havens in certain regions, the organisation has opted to connect with and bring together as many police forces of different states as possible. Evidently, such connections are created with little or no consideration of the state of criminal justice systems and forms of government of the countries involved, as well as any subsequent risks. Such a complex state of affairs demands a thorough reflection on whether it is acceptable to compromise between the need for security and the rights of individuals and procedural justice. The issue has vast legal and practical ramifications, and it is ultimately a question pertaining to the realm of global constitutionalism. Does INTERPOL have the legal authority to be in charge of finding a balance between security and procedural justice? If so, on what legal basis, and to what extent?



国际刑警组织拥有 194 名成员,是跨国警务领域最具影响力的参与者。遗憾的是,该组织很容易受到滥用情况的影响。某些国家设法利用该组织的工具,在其境外迫害和追踪政治异见人士或不结盟媒体成员。因此,国际刑警组织已成为非民主国家如何通过参与国际组织来发挥其影响力并将其影响力扩大到远远超出其国内管辖范围的典范。不想让犯罪天堂在某些地区扩散,该组织选择与尽可能多的不同州的警察部队联系并聚集在一起。显然,建立这种联系时很少或根本不考虑有关国家的刑事司法系统状况和政府形式,以及任何后续风险。如此复杂的事态,需要彻底反思在安全需要与个人权利和程序正义之间妥协是否可以接受。这个问题具有广泛的法律和实践影响,最终是一个与全球宪政领域有关的问题。国际刑警组织是否有法定权力负责在安全和程序正义之间寻求平衡?如果是这样,在什么法律基础上,在什么程度上?如此复杂的事态,需要彻底反思在安全需要与个人权利和程序正义之间妥协是否可以接受。这个问题具有广泛的法律和实践影响,最终是一个与全球宪政领域有关的问题。国际刑警组织是否有法定权力负责在安全和程序正义之间寻求平衡?如果是这样,在什么法律基础上,在多大程度上?如此复杂的事态,需要彻底反思在安全需要与个人权利和程序正义之间妥协是否可以接受。这个问题具有广泛的法律和实践影响,最终是一个与全球宪政领域有关的问题。国际刑警组织是否有法定权力负责在安全和程序正义之间寻求平衡?如果是这样,在什么法律基础上,在多大程度上?