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“Whoever Imitates a People Becomes One of Them”: A Hadith and its Interpreters

Islamic Law and Society ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-19 , DOI: 10.1163/15685195-00254a01
Youshaa Patel 1

This article examines the canonization of the Prophetic hadith, “Whoever imitates a people becomes one of them,” which became the keynote expression of tashabbuh (reprehensible imitation), a Sunni doctrine commonly invoked by religious authorities to distinguish Muslims from non-Muslims. First, I analyze how the Partisans of Hadith transmitted and classified the hadith, highlighting the pivotal role of Abū Dāwūd (d. 275/889) in canonizing the tradition. I then trace the divergent trajectories of its interpretation over time, especially the glosses of two brilliant Damascenes: Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728/1328) and Najm al-Dīn al-Ghazzī (d. 1061/1651). This study draws not only from hadith commentaries but also from treatises on law, ethics, and Sufism, illustrating how hadith interpretation takes place in multiple Islamic literary genres. A detailed appendix catalogues the collections of hadith that transmit the tradition; compares different narrations in order to date and locate its circulation; and visually maps its isnād networks.



本文考察了先知圣训的经典化,“谁模仿一个民族,谁就成为他们中的一员”,它成为 tashabbuh(应受谴责的模仿)的基调表达,这是宗教权威通常援引的逊尼派教义来区分穆斯林和非穆斯林。首先,我分析圣训的游击队员如何传播和分类圣训,强调 Abū Dāwūd (d. 275/889) 在经典化传统方面的关键作用。然后,我追踪其解释的不同轨迹随着时间的推移,尤其是两个辉煌的大马士革的光泽:伊本·泰米亚(Ibn Taymiyya,卒于 728/1328)和 Najm al-Dīn al-Ghazzī(卒于 1061/1651)。本研究不仅取材于圣训评论,还取材于法律、伦理学和苏菲派的论文,说明了圣训解释如何在多种伊斯兰文学体裁中进行。详细的附录列出了传播传统的圣训集;比较不同的叙述,以便确定其流传年代和定位;并直观地映射其 isnad 网络。