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Staff perceptions of positive behavioural support in a secure forensic adult mental health setting
Journal of Forensic Practice ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-12 , DOI: 10.1108/jfp-10-2017-0044
Graeme Karger , Bronwen Davies , Rosemary Jenkins , Victoria Samuel

Purpose Challenging behaviour has been a concern across forensic services. Traditionally these have been managed reactively using medication, seclusion and restraint; however, there is growing evidence that these approaches are ineffective and counter-therapeutic. A number of reports have recommended the use of preventative approaches such as positive behavioural support (PBS). The purpose of this paper is to identify “how staff within a secure forensic mental health setting perceived the application of PBS?” Design/methodology/approach In total, 11 multi-disciplinary staff were interviewed and thematic analysis was used to identify themes. Findings Five themes were identified: “The Functions”, “Appraising a new Approach”, “Collaborative Challenges”, “Staff Variables” and “Organisational Issues”. Practical implications PBS enables staff to understand challenging or risky behaviour. It empowers patients via collaboration, although there can be some challenges to this. Services need to invest in training, support and leadership to ensure the model is embed and promote fidelity. Consideration needs to be given to how quality of life can be improved within the limits of a forensic setting. Originality/value No previous studies asking staff about their experiences of PBS within a forensic mental health context.



目的具有挑战性的行为一直是法医部门关注的问题。传统上,这些是通过药物,隔离和约束来反应性地进行管理的;但是,越来越多的证据表明这些方法无效且具有反治疗作用。许多报告建议使用预防方法,例如积极行为支持(PBS)。本文的目的是确定“在安全的法医精神健康环境中的工作人员如何看待PBS的应用?” 设计/方法论/方法总共采访了11名多学科人员,并使用主题分析来确定主题。调查结果确定了五个主题:“职能”,“评估新方法”,“协作挑战”,“工作人员变量”和“组织问题”。实际意义PBS使员工能够理解具有挑战性或危险的行为。它可以通过协作为患者赋权,尽管这样做可能会遇到一些挑战。服务需要在培训,支持和领导力上进行投资,以确保嵌入模型并提高保真度。需要考虑如何在法医环境内改善生活质量。独创性/价值以前没有研究询问过法医精神健康背景下PBS的经历。需要考虑如何在法医环境内改善生活质量。独创性/价值以前没有研究询问过法医精神健康背景下PBS的经历。需要考虑如何在法医环境内改善生活质量。独创性/价值以前没有研究询问过法医精神健康背景下PBS的经历。