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Effective Cache Apportioning for Performance Isolation Under Compiler Guidance
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: arxiv-2102.09673
Bodhisatwa Chatterjee, Sharjeel Khan, Santosh Pande

With a growing number of cores per socket in modern data-centers where multi-tenancy of a diverse set of applications must be efficiently supported, effective sharing of the last level cache is a very important problem. This is challenging because modern workloads exhibit \textit{dynamic phase behavior} - their cache requirements \& sensitivity vary across different execution points. To tackle this problem, we propose \textit{Com-CAS}, a compiler-guided cache apportioning system that provides smart cache allocation to co-executing applications in a system. The front-end of \textit{Com-CAS} is primarily a compiler-framework equipped with learning mechanisms to predict cache requirements, while the backend consists of an allocation framework with a pro-active scheduler that apportions cache dynamically to co-executing applications. Our system improved average throughput by 21\%, with a maximum of 54\% while maintaining the worst individual application execution time degradation within 15\% to meet SLA requirements.



随着现代数据中心中每个套接字的核心数量不断增加,在这些数据中心中,必须有效地支持各种应用程序的多租户,有效共享最后一级缓存是一个非常重要的问题。这是具有挑战性的,因为现代工作负载表现出\ textit {动态阶段行为}-它们的缓存要求\&灵敏度在不同的执行点之间有所不同。为解决此问题,我们建议使用\ textit {Com-CAS},这是一个由编译器引导的缓存分配系统,该系统可为系统中的共同执行应用程序提供智能缓存分配。\ textit {Com-CAS}的前端主要是一个编译器框架,配备有用于预测缓存需求的学习机制,而后端则包括一个分配框架和一个主动调度程序,该调度程序可以动态分配缓存以共同执行应用程序。