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The Association Between Repealing the 48-Hour Mandatory Waiting Period on Handgun Purchases and Suicide Rates in Wisconsin
Archives of Suicide Research ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-21 , DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2021.1886209
Zachary R. Dunton , Sara A. Kohlbeck , Michael R. Lasarev , Charles R. Vear , Stephen W. Hargarten



Suicide is a significant public health burden in the United States. There is little understanding how policies regarding gun purchasing affects suicide rates. Wisconsin state legislature rescinded a 48-hour waiting period for handgun purchases, which took effect in June 2015.


To determine whether firearm-related suicide increased with the repeal of the 48-hour waiting period for handgun purchases in 2015.


We obtained data through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services via the Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health Query System. Suicide rates were compared by Comparative Mortality Figures (CMF).


We reviewed all suicides in Wisconsin between 2012–2014 and 2016–2018. The rate ratios (R) and second generation P values (pδ) comparing deaths between 2012–2014 and 2016–2018 indicate significant increases in firearm-related suicide among people of color (R = 1.927; pδ = 0.0) and among Wisconsinites residing in urban counties (R = 1.379, pδ = 0.0). There was no significant increase in non-firearm-related suicide (R = 1.117, pδ = 0.092), nor in firearm-related suicide among White non-Hispanics (R = 1.107, pδ = 0.164) or Wisconsinites residing in rural counties (R = 1.085, pδ = 0.500).


Our findings suggest that the repeal of the 48-hour waiting period on handgun purchases in 2015 is correlated with the increase of firearm-related suicides among Wisconsin residents of color and Wisconsinites residing in urban counties.

  • Key Messages:

  • Firearm policies are associated with changes in suicide rates.


威斯康星州废除手枪购买的 48 小时强制等待期与自杀率之间的关联



在美国,自杀是一项重大的公共卫生负担。很少有人了解有关枪支购买的政策如何影响自杀率。威斯康星州立法机构取消了购买手枪的 48 小时等待期,该期限于 2015 年 6 月生效。


确定是否随着 2015 年取消购买手枪的 48 小时等待期而增加与枪支有关的自杀。


我们通过威斯康星州健康查询系统交互式统计数据通过威斯康星州卫生服务部获得数据。自杀率通过比较死亡率数据 (CMF) 进行比较。


我们回顾了 2012-2014 年和 2016-2018 年间威斯康星州的所有自杀事件。比较 2012-2014 年和 2016-2018 年死亡人数的比率 ( R ) 和第二代 P 值 (p δ ) 表明有色人种 ( R  = 1.927; p δ = 0.0) 和威斯康星州的枪支相关自杀率显着增加居住在城市县(R  = 1.379,p δ = 0.0)。非西班牙裔白人(R  = 1.107,p δ = 0.164)或居住在农村县的威斯康星人的非枪支相关自杀率(R  = 1.117,p δ = 0.092)和枪支相关自杀率均未显着增加(R = 1.085,p δ = 0.500)。


我们的研究结果表明,2015 年取消购买手枪的 48 小时等待期与威斯康星州有色人种居民和居住在城市县的威斯康星州居民枪支相关自杀的增加有关。

  • 关键信息:

  • 枪支政策与自杀率的变化有关。
