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Unchurched Christian Nationalism and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election*
Sociological Forum ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-21 , DOI: 10.1111/socf.12684
Samuel Stroope 1 , Paul Froese 2 , Heather M. Rackin 1 , Jack Delehanty 3

Prior research found that Christian nationalism was strongly associated with voting for Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. However, the effects of Christian nationalism may depend on voters’ religiosity. Using national data, we assess whether the association between Christian nationalism and Trump support differed for churchgoers and nonchurchgoers and find that Christian nationalism is not significantly associated with Trump support among churchgoing voters. Instead, Christian nationalism is only significantly associated with Trump support among unchurched voters. These results suggest that while religious sentiments remain key correlates of political attitudes and behavior in the United States, these ties may have less to do with embeddedness in traditional religious organizations and more to do with the ways people use religious narratives in everyday life to construct and defend symbolic boundaries. At a time when fewer Americans attend religious services, religious narratives about Christian nationhood may have their strongest political effects when, and perhaps because, they are detached from religious institutions.


未教会的基督教民族主义和 2016 年美国总统选举*

先前的研究发现,基督教民族主义与在 2016 年美国总统大选中投票给特朗普密切相关。然而,基督教民族主义的影响可能取决于选民的宗教信仰。使用国家数据,我们评估了基督教民族主义和特朗普支持之间的关联对于去教堂的人和不去教堂的人是否有所不同,并发现基督教民族主义与去教堂的选民中特朗普的支持没有显着关联。相反,基督教民族主义只与特朗普在未加入教会的选民中的支持显着相关。这些结果表明,虽然宗教情绪仍然是美国政治态度和行为的关键相关因素,这些联系可能与传统宗教组织的嵌入性关系不大,而更多地与人们在日常生活中使用宗教叙事来构建和捍卫象征界限的方式有关。在参加宗教仪式的美国人越来越少的时候,关于基督教国家的宗教叙事可能会产生最强烈的政治影响,也许是因为它们与宗教机构脱节。