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Different mechanisms, same result: Remembering the liberation war in Mozambique
Memory Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1750698021995993
Natália Bueno 1

Even though scholars have made substantial contributions in connecting the fields of transitional justice and memory studies, important questions remain unanswered. The question of sequencing is one of them. How does a certain TJ mechanism condition the implementation of subsequent mechanisms and how together they shape memory narratives in a given society? This article builds on the case of Mozambique. Soon after the signing of the General Peace Agreement in 1992, the Frelimo-led government approved Amnesty Law 15/92 and with it, the past was to be left in the past. Such a choice was different from the one taken by Samora Machel—Mozambique’s first president—between 1975 and 1982. By promoting a quasi-truth commission, Machel revisited Mozambique’s colonial past and brought comprometidos’ actions into the open. This article finds that whether the government opened up about the past or sought to leave it behind, the result has been the same: the celebratory reproduction of the liberation war narrative. Resorting to path dependence and critical junctures, this study explains the ways in which such a narrative has become hegemonic throughout the last four decades.



尽管学者们在连接过渡时期司法与记忆研究领域做出了巨大贡献,但仍未回答重要问题。排序问题是其中之一。特定的TJ机制如何限制后续机制的实施,以及它们如何共同塑造特定社会中的记忆叙事?本文以莫桑比克案为基础。1992年签署《全面和平协议》后不久,弗里利莫领导的政府批准了《大赦法》第15/92号,过去的历史将留在过去。这种选择与1975年至1982年莫桑比克第一任总统萨莫拉·马谢尔(Samora Machel)所采取的选择不同。马谢尔(Machel)通过促进准真相委员会,重新审视了莫桑比克的殖民历史并带来了comprometidos行动变成了公开场合。本文发现,无论政府是对过去开放还是试图抛弃过去,结果都是一样的:解放战争叙事的庆祝复制。借助路径依赖和关键关头,本研究解释了这种叙事在过去四十年中已成为霸权的方式。
