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EXPRESS: Platform Exploitation: When Service Agents Defect with Customers from Online Service Platforms
Journal of Marketing ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/00222429211001311
Qiang (Kris) Zhou , B.J. Allen , Richard T. Gretz , Mark B. Houston

Online, pure-labor service platforms (e.g., Zeel, Amazon Home Services, Freelancer.com) represent a multibillion-dollar market. An increasing managerial concern in such markets is the opportunistic behavior of service agents who defect with customers off platform for future transactions. Using multiple methods across studies, the authors seek to explain this platform exploitation phenomenon. In Study 1, a theories-in-use approach clarifies why and when platform exploitation occurs and derives some hypotheses. Study 2 empirically tests these hypotheses using data from a healthcare platform that connects nurses and patients. The results indicate that high-quality, long-tenured service agents may enhance platform usage, but customers also are more likely to defect with such agents. Platform exploitation also increases with greater customer–agent interaction frequency (i.e., building stronger relationships). This phenomenon decreases agents’ platform usage, due to capacity constraints caused by serving more customers off platform. These effects are stronger as service price increases (as higher prices equate to more fee savings), as service repetitiveness increases, and as the agent’s on-platform customer pool comprises more repeat and more proximal customers. Finally, we use two scenario-based experiments to establish some managerial strategies to combat platform exploitation.



在线的纯劳动力服务平台(例如Zeel,Amazon Home Services,Freelancer.com)代表着数十亿美元的市场。在此类市场中,管理人员日益关注的是服务代理人的机会主义行为,他们在未来交易平台上背叛客户。作者使用跨研究的多种方法,试图解释这种平台开发现象。在研究1中,一种使用中的理论方法阐明了平台开发发生的原因和时间,并得出了一些假设。研究2使用连接护士和患者的医疗保健平台的数据,对这些假设进行了经验检验。结果表明,高质量的,长期的服务代理可以提高平台的使用率,但是客户也更倾向于使用此类代理。客户与代理之间的互动频率越高(即建立更牢固的关系),平台的利用也就越多。由于服务于平台以外的更多客户而导致的容量限制,这种现象会减少代理的平台使用率。这些影响随着服务价格的上涨(更高的价格等于更多的费用节省),服务的重复性增加以及代理的平台上客户群包括更多的回头客和更多的近距离客户而变得更强。最后,我们使用两个基于场景的实验来建立一些管理策略来对抗平台开发。这些影响随着服务价格的上涨(更高的价格等于更多的费用节省),服务的重复性增加以及代理的平台上客户群包括更多的回头客和更多的近距离客户而变得更强。最后,我们使用两个基于场景的实验来建立一些管理策略来对抗平台开发。这些影响随着服务价格的上涨(更高的价格等于更多的费用节省),服务的重复性增加以及代理的平台上客户群包括更多的回头客和更多的近距离客户而变得更强。最后,我们使用两个基于场景的实验来建立一些管理策略来对抗平台开发。
