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The misguided quest for a constitutional right to education
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0031721721998157
Nicholas Tampio

The Supreme Court ruled in San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez (1973) that there is no constitutional right to education, but that has not stopped families and education activists from arguing that this right is implicit in the Fourteenth Amendment. Nicholas Tampio contends that, based upon the history of federal involvement in education, a constitutional right to education would likely lead to an increase in high-stakes testing. The way to prepare young people for citizenship is to raise them in communities, including communities of color, that govern the schools themselves without the oversight of federal judges.



最高法院在圣安东尼奥独立学区诉罗德里格斯(1973)一案中裁定,没有宪法规定的受教育权,但这并没有阻止家庭和教育活动家争论这项权利在《第十四条修正案》中是隐含的。尼古拉斯·坦皮奥(Nicholas Tampio)认为,基于联邦政府参与教育的历史,宪法规定的受教育权可能会导致高风险测试的增加。为年轻人准备公民资格的方法是在不由联邦法官监督的情况下,在包括学校在内的有色人种社区中培养年轻人
