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First Person: Rita and Julia: Contrasts in the art of teaching excellence
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0031721721998158
Paul Graseck

When Paul Graseck hired Rita and Julia to teach 7th-grade English, they presented a study in contrasts, with their different temperaments, classroom designs, and understandings of the teaching art. Both knew how to cultivate a safe haven for students and enrich student life, and their extremely different classroom approaches demonstrate that the art of teaching eludes simple description and cannot be replaced with lockstep adherence to a script.



保罗·格拉塞克(Paul Graseck)聘请丽塔(Rita)和朱莉娅(Julia)教7年级英语时,他们提出了一项对比研究,他们的性情,课堂设计和对教学艺术的理解各不相同。他们俩都知道如何为学生建立安全的避风港并丰富学生的生活,而且他们极为不同的课堂教学方法表明,教学艺术难以简单描述,不能用紧紧抓住剧本来代替
