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Under the Law: Regulating student speech in the Snapchat era
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0031721721998163
Robert Kim

The upcoming case Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. will require the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on students’ rights to free speech on social media. The case involves a student who was disciplined for using foul language about her school’s cheerleading squad on Snapchat while off-campus and outside school time. Bob Kim traces the progress of the case so far and discusses what the case might mean for students and schools.



即将发生的Mahanoy Area School District诉BL案将要求美国最高法院裁定学生享有在社交媒体上发表言论的权利。该案涉及一名学生,该学生因在校外和课余时间在Snapchat上对学校的啦啦队使用粗言秽语而受到纪律处分。鲍勃•金(Bob Kim)追踪了案件的进展情况,并讨论了该案件对学生和学校的意义
