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Towards a more precise – and accurate – view of eco‐evolution
Ecology Letters ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.13712
Ronald D. Bassar 1 , Tim Coulson 2 , Joseph Travis 3 , David N. Reznick 4

Over the past 15 years, the number of papers focused on ‘eco‐evo dynamics’ has increased exponentially (Figure 1). This pattern suggests the rapid growth of a new, integrative discipline. We argue this overstates the case. First, the terms ‘eco‐evo dynamics’ and ‘eco‐evo interactions’ are used too imprecisely. As a result, many studies that claim to describe eco‐evo dynamics are actually describing basic ecological or evolutionary processes. Second, these terms are often used as if the study of how ecological and evolutionary processes are intertwined is novel when, in fact, it is not. The result is confusion over what the term ‘eco‐evolution’ and its derivatives describe. We advocate a more precise definition of eco‐evolution that is more useful in efforts to understand and characterise the diversity of ecological and evolutionary processes and that focuses attention on the subset of those processes that occur only when ecological and evolutionary timescales are comparable.



在过去的15年中,专注于“ eco-evo动力学”的论文数量呈指数增长(图1)。这种模式表明一门新的,综合性学科的快速发展。我们认为这夸大了案子。首先,术语“ eco-evo动力学”和“ eco-evo相互作用”使用得不太精确。结果,许多声称描述生态进化的研究实际上是在描述基本的生态或进化过程。其次,这些术语经常被使用,好像对生态和进化过程如何相互联系的研究是新颖的,而实际上却并非如此。结果使人们对“生态进化”一词及其派生词的描述感到困惑。