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Evaluation of the AVHRR surface reflectance long term data record between 1984 and 2011
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2021.102317
Andres Santamaria-Artigas , Eric F. Vermote , Belen Franch , Jean-Claude Roger , Sergii Skakun

The long-term data record (LTDR) from the Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) provides daily surface reflectance with global coverage from the 1980s to present day, making it a unique source of information for the study of land surface properties and their long-term dynamics. Surface reflectance is a critical input for the generation of products such as vegetation indices, albedo, and land cover. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to quantify its uncertainties to better understand how they might propagate into downstream products. Due to the prolonged length of the surface reflectance LTDR and previous unavailability of a well calibrated reference, no comprehensive evaluation of the complete record has been reported so far. Recently, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) began production of surface reflectance datasets from the Landsat 4–8 satellites, which provide a suitable reference against which the LTDR can be compared to. In this study, we evaluate the LTDRV5 between 1984 and 2011 using surface reflectance data from the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM5) Collection-1 as a reference. Data from TM5 was obtained from over 740,000 globally distributed scenes which gave a representative set of land surface types and atmospheric conditions. Differences due to observation geometry were accounted for using the Vermote-Justice-Breon (VJB) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) normalization method to adjust the AVHRR surface reflectance to TM5 observation conditions; the spectral response differences were minimized using spectral band adjustment factors (SBAFs) derived from the Earth Observing One (EO-1) Hyperion atmospherically corrected hyperspectral spectra. The performance of the AVHRR record is reported in terms of the accuracy, precision, and uncertainty (APU). Results show that the LTDR performance is close or within the combined uncertainty specification of 0.071ρ + 0.0071, where ρ is the estimated reflectance.



先进的超高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)的长期数据记录(LTDR)提供了从1980年代到今天全球范围内的每日表面反射率,使其成为研究陆地表面特性及其变化的唯一信息来源。长期动态。表面反射率是生成植被指数,反照率和土地覆盖等产品的关键输入。因此,至关重要的是量化其不确定性,以更好地了解它们如何传播到下游产品中。由于延长了表面反射率LTDR的长度,以及以前无法获得经过良好校准的参考物,因此至今尚未报告完整记录的全面评估。最近,美国地质调查局(USGS)开始从Landsat 4-8卫星生产地表反射率数据集,这些数据提供了可与LTDR进行比较的适当参考。在这项研究中,我们使用Landsat-5专题测绘仪(TM5)Collection-1的表面反射率数据作为参考,评估了1984年至2011年之间的LTDRV5。来自TM5的数据是从超过740,000个全球分布的场景中获得的,这些场景提供了一组代表性的地面类型和大气条件。使用Vermote-Justice-Breon(VJB)双向反射分布函数(BRDF)归一化方法将因观测几何形状引起的差异考虑在内,以将AVHRR表面反射率调整为TM5观测条件;使用从地球观测一号(EO-1)Hyperion大气校正的高光谱光谱得出的光谱带调整因子(SBAF),可以将光谱响应差异最小化。AVHRR记录的性能以准确性,准确性和不确定性(APU)表示。结果表明LTDR性能接近或在组合不确定度指标0.071之内ρ + 0.0071,其中 ρ 是估计的反射率。
