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Moving past sporadic eruptions, discursive killing, and running amok: recognizing the convergence of the serial and spree killer
Journal of Criminal Psychology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-05 , DOI: 10.1108/jcp-03-2019-0009
Enzo Yaksic

Rapid sequence homicide offenders (RSHOs), formerly spree killers, are an understudied population due to the confusion surrounding their classification in relation to serial murderers. The paper aims to discuss this issue.,An exploratory, comparative analysis of 56 RSHOs and 60 serial murderers was conducted on US-based data from 2014 to 2018 derived from the Consolidated Serial Homicide Offender Database to determine similarities and differences between the cohorts.,RSHOs and serial murderers are similar in that they often kill their victims using a singular method, have limited mobility, kill a similar number of victims both known and unknown to them and are both supremely motivated by domestic anger. There is an inverse relationship between serial murderers and RSHOs: as one group increases in prevalence the other decreases.,In order to divert men into more pro-social activities, attention must be dedicated to increasing mental health services that provide them with the tools to diffuse their hatred and couple that with effective gun control strategies and ways to enhance the compromised anger management skills of a generation of volatile men.,Academicians have been hesitant to juxtapose these offenders but based this conclusion on surface-level differences. A reimagining of these categorical structures is needed. The once clear delineation between these cohorts may continue to shrink and synchronize until one subsumes the other.



快速连环杀人罪犯(RSHO),以前是狂欢杀手,由于与连续杀人犯有关的分类混乱,所以被低估了。本文旨在讨论这一问题。对2014年至2018年美国56例RSHO和60名连环杀手进行了探索性比较分析,确定了来自连续连环杀人罪犯数据库的美国数据,以确定这两个人群之间的异同。 RSHO和连环杀人犯的相似之处在于,他们经常使用单一方法杀死受害者,行动不便,杀死相似数量的已知和未知受害者,并且都是出于家庭愤怒。连环杀人犯与RSHO之间存在反比关系:随着一组患病率的增加,另一组患病率的降低,为了使男人从事更多的亲社会活动,必须关注增加心理健康服务,为他们提供传播仇恨的工具,并与有效的枪支控制策略和方法相结合,以增强弱势群体的愤怒管理技能。学者们一直犹豫不决地将这些罪犯并置在一起,但是这个结论基于表面上的差异。需要重新想象这些分类结构。这些队列之间曾经清晰的划分可能会继续缩小和同步,直到一个包含另一个。必须注意增加精神卫生服务,为他们提供散布仇恨的工具,并与有效的枪支控制策略和方法相结合,以增强一代动荡的男性受损的怒气管理技能。学术界人士一直在犹豫并置这些罪犯,但此结论基于表面上的差异。需要重新想象这些分类结构。这些队列之间曾经清晰的划分可能会继续缩小和同步,直到一个包含另一个。必须注意增加精神卫生服务,为他们提供散布仇恨的工具,并与有效的枪支控制策略和方法相结合,以增强一代动荡的男性受损的怒气管理技能。学术界人士一直在犹豫并置这些罪犯,但此结论基于表面上的差异。需要重新想象这些分类结构。这些队列之间曾经清晰的划分可能会继续缩小和同步,直到一个包含另一个。