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Value and exchange in multilateral trade lawmaking
London Review of International Law ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-02-24 , DOI: 10.1093/lril/lrw005
Nicolas Lamp

The multilateral trading system privileges a perspective in which trade policies are appraised primarily in terms of their exchange value — their capacity to be exchanged for modifications in other countries’ trade policies — rather than their use value — their utility for the country that has adopted them. The article traces the marginalisation of use value in multilateral trade lawmaking and explores the ramifications of treating trade policies themselves as tradable commodities.



多边贸易体制优先考虑贸易政策主要根据其交换价值(它们与其他国家贸易政策的修改进行交换的能力)而不是其使用价值——它们对采用这些政策的国家的效用进行评估的观点. 本文追溯了多边贸易立法中使用价值的边缘化,并探讨了将贸易政策本身视为可交易商品的后果。