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Revolting consumers: a revisionist account of the 1925 ban on photography in English and Welsh courts and its implications for debate about who is able to produce, manage and consume images of the trial
International Journal of Law in Context ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s1744552318000241
Linda Mulcahy

This paper offers a revisionist history of the banning of photography in English and Welsh courts in 1925 and explores the contention that a complete rationale for the ban has never been adequately articulated. While existing accounts of the ban have placed emphasis on the outrage caused by press coverage of a handful of sensational murder trials, this paper offers the first comprehensive analysis of photographs of trial scenes in the decades leading up to the ban. In doing so, it argues that the exposure of the legal system to scrutiny by the press and public, made possible by new technologies and reporting practices, was much more pervasive than has previously been suggested. It also contends that, although parliamentarians claimed that the purpose of the ban was to protect vulnerable members of the public, it actually did a much better job of preserving the interests of the legal, political and social elite, including judges, against a backdrop of fears about an increasingly disrespectful populace. More particularly, it is suggested that the ban allowed the state to take back its monopoly over the production, management and consumption of images of judges and other key actors in the courtroom in an effort to re-impose social order and retain the mystery of law.


令人反感的消费者:对 1925 年英国和威尔士法院禁止摄影的修正主义描述及其对关于谁能够制作、管理和消费审判图像的辩论的影响

本文提供了 1925 年英国和威尔士法院禁止摄影的修正主义历史,并探讨了从未充分阐明禁止摄影的完整理由的论点。尽管现有的关于该禁令的报道都强调了媒体对少数耸人听闻的谋杀案审判的报道所引起的愤怒,但本文首次全面分析了禁令实施前几十年的审判现场照片。在这样做的过程中,它认为,新技术和报道实践使法律制度受到媒体和公众的审查,比以前提出的要普遍得多。它还争辩说,尽管议员们声称禁令的目的是保护易受伤害的公众,在人们担心民众越来越不尊重他人的情况下,它实际上在维护包括法官在内的法律、政治和社会精英的利益方面做得更好。更具体地说,建议该禁令允许国家收回其对法庭上法官和其他关键人物形象的生产、管理和消费的垄断,以重新建立社会秩序并保持法律的神秘。 .