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Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2018-0009
Ronald I. Kim

Abstract It has been generally held since the beginning of the 20th century that Armenian is more closely related to Greek than to any other Indo-European branch. A more recent minority opinion posits an especially close relationship between Greek and Armenian, even going so far as to assume a period of Greco-Armenian unity. Following upon recent publications, above all Clackson 1994, this paper argues that the available evidence does not at all support this stronger hypothesis. In contrast to the lexical innovations common to Greek and Armenian, the phonological isoglosses shared by the two languages are extremely few and of an easily repeatable nature. The morphological features claimed as shared innovations may likewise represent independent developments and/or have parallels in other Indo-European branches, whereas other features of verbal morphology rather appear to connect Armenian with Indo-Iranian or Balto-Slavic. These considerations suggest that pre-Armenian belonged to a dialect continuum encompassing the ancestors of Greek, Phrygian, and Indo-Iranian for some time after the breakup of Proto-Indo-European, but made up a distinct speech community already by the late 3rd millennium BC.



摘要自20世纪初以来,人们普遍认为亚美尼亚语与希腊语的联系比与其他任何印欧语系的联系都更为紧密。最近的少数派观点认为,希腊和亚美尼亚人之间的关系特别密切,甚至达到希腊-亚美尼亚统一时期。继最近的出版物,尤其是Clackson 1994之后,本文认为可用的证据根本不支持这一更强的假设。与希腊语和亚美尼亚语常用的词汇创新相反,两种语言共享的语音同音异义词很少,而且很容易重复。被称为共享创新的形态特征可能同样代表着独立发展和/或在其他印欧分支机构中具有相似之处,而言语形态的其他特征似乎将亚美尼亚语与印度-伊朗或巴尔托-斯拉夫语联系起来。这些考虑表明,亚美尼亚语前属于原方言连续体,在原始印欧语解体后的一段时间内,它涵盖了希腊人,弗里吉亚人和印度-伊朗人的祖先,但到了三千年末期已经构成了一个独特的语音社区。公元前。