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Organic aquaponics in the European Union: towards sustainable farming practices in the framework of the new EU regulation
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-20 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12539
Lorenzo Fruscella 1 , Benz Kotzen 1 , Sarah Milliken 1

Under the new Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/848 which will enter into law in January 2022, aquaponic produce cannot be certified as organic in the European Union. Given the multiple components of an aquaponic system, which involve growing plants in hydroponic conditions, recycling of fish waste and raising fish in artificial conditions, the achievement of organic certification for aquaponic produce is a complex matter dictated by many parameters. Although in theory and in practice aquaponics fulfils nearly all organic farming principles, rules such as the need for crops to be cultivated in soil and the ban on using recirculating aquaculture systems currently prevent aquaponic produce from achieving organic certification. This review examines these rules in the new regulation on horticulture and aquaculture. The rules are evaluated, their foundations discussed, and suggestions are made on the type of system modifications that could potentially make it possible for aquaponic produce to be certified as organic. Suggested modifications include the use of soil in the hydroponic section and the implementation of environmental enrichment for improving the fish welfare in the aquaculture section. Several EU policies and strategies that support the development of aquaponics are also discussed, and potential policies for the development of organic aquaponics are formulated.



根据将于 2022 年 1 月生效的新委员会法规 (EU) 2018/848,鱼菜共生产品不能在欧盟获得有机认证。鉴于鱼菜共生系统的多个组成部分,包括在水培条件下种植植物、回收鱼类废物和在人工条件下养鱼,实现鱼菜共生产品的有机认证是一个由许多参数决定的复杂问题。尽管在理论上和实践中,鱼菜共生几乎满足所有有机农业原则,但诸如需要在土壤中种植作物和禁止使用循环水产养殖系统等规则目前阻止了鱼菜共生产品获得有机认证。本次审查在新的园艺和水产养殖法规中审查了这些规则。规则被评估,他们讨论了他们的基础,并就可能使鱼菜共生产品获得有机认证的系统修改类型提出了建议。建议的修改包括在水培部分使用土壤和实施环境富集以改善水产养殖部分的鱼类福利。还讨论了支持鱼菜共生发展的几项欧盟政策和战略,并制定了有机鱼菜共生发展的潜在政策。建议的修改包括在水培部分使用土壤和实施环境富集以改善水产养殖部分的鱼类福利。还讨论了支持鱼菜共生发展的几项欧盟政策和战略,并制定了有机鱼菜共生发展的潜在政策。建议的修改包括在水培部分使用土壤和实施环境富集以改善水产养殖部分的鱼类福利。还讨论了支持鱼菜共生发展的几项欧盟政策和战略,并制定了有机鱼菜共生发展的潜在政策。