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Traffic management with autonomous and connected vehicles at single-lane roundabouts
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trc.2021.102964
Marilo Martin-Gasulla , Lily Elefteriadou

The continuous evolution of automotive and communication technologies can result in more efficient traffic management. At roundabouts, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to enhance traffic operations, minimizing lost time and providing higher capacities by improving the gap acceptance process.

This research aims to take advantage of those evolving technologies in order to design a more efficient traffic management system for single-lane roundabouts. Such a system would provide optimal coordination of CAVs to negotiate the roundabout, maximizing throughput and minimizing average control delay.

The expert system developed and tested (Roundabout Manager) acts as a central controller and manages conflicts within the roundabout. It prioritizes incoming vehicles based on demand-dependent strategies and adjusts their trajectories accounting for the geometry of the roundabout. Seven strategies are proposed to coordinate CAV trajectories. The first strategy prioritizes incoming vehicles based on their Shortest-Remaining-Time-First (SRTF, i.e., the shortest time till the vehicle reaches the first conflict section it will encounter) to the conflict sections within the circular roadway, while the other strategies add to the SRTF rules to accommodate highly unbalanced traffic flows, with heavy right- or left-turning maneuvers.

To illustrate the operation of the algorithm and assess its effectiveness as a function of the demand distribution, a total of 15 oversaturated demand scenarios with 10 replications per scenario were simulated for each of the seven strategies examined. It was concluded that, under any of the strategies proposed, the system guarantees higher throughput with lower average control delay compared to conventional vehicles’ operation. The capacity of the roundabout under fully CAVs traffic flow is increased by 58 to 73% (from low to high conflicting flow, respectively). The strategy that prioritizes vehicles that have to travel through more conflict points and those that leave the system first outperforms the other strategies at all demand scenarios, becoming the optimal coordination of CAVs at roundabouts. This strategy reduces the average control delay between 80 and 97% compared to traffic with conventional vehicles, as assessed using the Highway Capacity Manual procedures.





开发和测试的专家系统(Roundabout Manager)充当中央控制器,管理回旋处的冲突。它根据需求相关策略对进来的车辆进行优先排序,并根据回旋处的几何形状调整其轨迹。提出了七种策略来协调CAV轨迹。第一种策略根据传入的车辆的最短保留时间优先(SRTF,即,直到车辆到达它将遇到的第一个冲突段的最短时间),将优先级分配给圆形车道内的冲突段,而其他策略则添加SRTF规则,以适应高度不平衡的交通流,并采用向右或向左转弯的沉重动作。

