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Saving Republics by Moving Republicans: Britain, Ireland and ‘New Geneva’ During the Age of Revolutions
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-29 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.12418

In 1783 the British and Irish governments launched an experiment by funding the establishment of a settlement that was expected to become a new city. It was called ‘New Geneva’ and was situated on the site of a village called Passage, just outside the port of Waterford in Ireland. New Geneva was to be peopled by rebels, Genevans who had fled or were ready to flee in the aftermath of the failed revolution of 1782. This article explains that for the main Genevan actors in the Waterford experiment, Francois d'Ivernois (Sir Francis d'Ivernois from 1796) and his friend Jacques-Antoine Du Roveray, the exodus from Geneva was part of a greater battle to save Europe's small states, and especially the republics of Europe. The article further reveals that the major supporters of New Geneva were seeking to address Britain's problems both domestically and as an empire. Charles Stanhope, then Lord Mahon (from 1786 3rd earl of Stanhope), and William Petty, then 2nd earl of Shelburne (from 1784 1st marquess of Lansdowne), each hoped that the Genevans would introduce cultures capable of palliating the excessive corruption or ‘mercantile system’ they saw in Britain's commercial society. The history of New Geneva underscored the perilous state of Europe's republics before 1789, the widespread extent of the view that Britain and Ireland were in crisis, and the fact that extreme and cosmopolitan reform projects were in the air before the French Revolution.



1783 年,英国和爱尔兰政府发起了一项实验,资助建立一个有望成为新城市的定居点。它被称为“新日内瓦”,位于爱尔兰沃特福德港外的一个名为 Passage 的村庄的遗址上。1782 年革命失败后,新日内瓦将居住着叛乱者,即那些在 1782 年革命失败后逃离或准备逃离的日内瓦人。本文解释了沃特福德实验中的主要日内瓦人,弗朗西斯·德·伊弗诺伊斯 (Sir Francis d 'Ivernois from 1796) 和他的朋友 Jacques-Antoine Du Roveray,从日内瓦的流亡是拯救欧洲小国,尤其是欧洲共和国的更大战斗的一部分。文章进一步透露,新日内瓦的主要支持者正在寻求解决英国的问题。国内和帝国都存在问题。查尔斯·斯坦霍普,然后是马洪勋爵(1786 年第三代斯坦霍普伯爵)和威廉佩蒂,然后是谢尔本第二伯爵(1784 年兰斯当第一侯爵),每个人都希望日内瓦人能够引入能够缓解过度腐败或“商业化”的文化他们在英国的商业社会中看到了“系统”。新日内瓦的历史强调了 1789 年之前欧洲共和国的危险状态、普遍认为英国和爱尔兰处于危机之中的观点,以及在法国大革命之前极端和世界性的改革计划正在酝酿的事实。每个人都希望日内瓦人能够引进能够缓解他们在英国商业社会中看到的过度腐败或“商业体系”的文化。新日内瓦的历史强调了 1789 年之前欧洲共和国的危险状态、普遍认为英国和爱尔兰处于危机之中的观点,以及在法国大革命之前极端和世界性的改革计划正在酝酿的事实。每个人都希望日内瓦人能够引进能够缓解他们在英国商业社会中看到的过度腐败或“商业体系”的文化。新日内瓦的历史强调了 1789 年之前欧洲共和国的危险状态、普遍认为英国和爱尔兰处于危机之中的观点,以及在法国大革命之前极端和世界性的改革计划正在酝酿的事实。