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The Hidden Origins of Intelligence History: Rehabilitating the ‘Airport Bookstall’
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-01 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.12466

This article is a clarion call for the rehabilitation of works on intelligence in what Christopher Andrew once referred to as the ‘airport bookstall’ genre. It argues that a more fitting epitaph for the literature from intelligence history's earliest days is better designated as the ‘Muckraker Era’, rather than the ‘airport bookstall’. My argument proceeds on three fronts. First, these writers from the latter half of the twentieth century – rather than being cast out as pariahs – should be thought of as trailblazers, as many of the techniques they pioneered have formed the methodological backbone of historical research into intelligence. Second, the literature from this period, triangulated with recent scholarship, should be re-examined, as precious practical contributions can be identified. Lastly, throughout the article I will attempt to recast the literature from this period, offering a new more constructive perspective that is in keeping with the ethos of today's professional historian. My argument focuses on the works of three authors – Rebecca West, Gordon Brook-Shepherd and John Bulloch – as emblematic authors of the Muckraker Era, in methods, contribution and the indifference of subsequent intelligence scholars to their work.



这篇文章是对克里斯托弗安德鲁曾经称为“机场书摊”类型的情报作品的复兴号召。它认为,将情报史早期文献更合适的墓志铭命名为“Muckraker 时代”,而不是“机场书摊”更好。我的论点从三个方面进行。首先,这些 20 世纪下半叶的作家——而不是被排斥为贱民——应该被视为开拓者,因为他们开创的许多技术已经形成了情报历史研究的方法论支柱。其次,这一时期的文献与最近的学术成果相结合,应该重新审视,因为可以确定宝贵的实际贡献。最后,在整篇文章中,我将尝试重新塑造这一时期的文献,提供一个新的更具建设性的观点,与当今专业历史学家的精神相一致。我的论点集中在三位作者——丽贝卡·韦斯特、戈登·布鲁克-谢泼德和约翰·布洛克——作为 Muckraker 时代的标志性作者的作品,在方法、贡献和随后的情报学者对其工作的冷漠方面。