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State intervention in disputes between secular and regular clergy in early seventeenth-century Ireland
British Catholic History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-27 , DOI: 10.1017/bch.2018.25
Mark Empey

The success of the Counter-Reformation in Ireland following the restoration of the Catholic hierarchy was a remarkable achievement. Between 1618 and 1630 Rome made a staggering nineteen episcopal appointments in a kingdom that was ruled by a Protestant king. Documenting the achievements of the initial period only paints half the picture, however. The implementation of the Tridentine reforms and the thorny issue of episcopal authority brought the religious orders into a head-on collision with the secular clergy. This protracted dispute lasted for a decade, most notably in the diocese of Dublin where an English secular priest, Paul Harris, led a hostile attack on the Franciscan archbishop, Thomas Fleming. The longevity of the feud, though, owed at least as much to the intervention of Lord Deputy Sir Thomas Wentworth as it did to the internal tensions of the Catholic Church. Despite Wentworth’s influential role, he has been largely written out of the conflict. This article addresses the lacunae in the current historiography and argues that the lord deputy’s interference was a decisive factor in exacerbating the hostilities between the secular and regular clergy in early seventeenth-century Ireland.


国家干预 17 世纪早期爱尔兰的世俗神职人员与正规神职人员之间的争端

在恢复天主教等级制度后爱尔兰反改革的成功是一项了不起的成就。在 1618 年至 1630 年间,罗马在一个由新教国王统治的王国中任命了 19 名主教。然而,记录初期的成就只描绘了一半。Tridentine改革的实施和主教权力的棘手问题使宗教秩序与世俗神职人员发生了正面冲突。这场旷日持久的争端持续了十年,最引人注目的是在都柏林教区,英国世俗神父保罗哈里斯领导了对方济各会大主教托马斯弗莱明的敌对攻击。然而,世仇的长期存在,至少与天主教会的内部紧张局势一样,副勋爵托马斯·温特沃斯爵士的干预。尽管温特沃斯扮演了有影响力的角色,但他在很大程度上已被排除在冲突之外。本文探讨了当前史学中的漏洞,并认为副市长的干预是加剧 17 世纪早期爱尔兰世俗神职人员与普通神职人员之间敌对行动的决定性因素。