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Sir Edward Carne of Ewenni, c.1496-1561
British Catholic History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-27 , DOI: 10.1017/bch.2018.21
Anna Maria Orofino

The Tudor Welshman, Sir Edward Carne (c.1496-1561), gained a wide reputation as an outstanding diplomat and lawyer. Chosen by Cardinal Wolsey to enter the service of King Henry VIII, he was sent to Rome as excusator in the process of annulment of the king’s marriage to Queen Catherine of Aragon. After the Rota had refused to annul Henry’s marriage, Carne returned to Glamorgan, and continued his career as a civil servant. He was appointed justice of the peace, master of requests and was made a member of the Council in the Marches of Wales. His next main appointment was as English envoy to the Holy See during the reign of Mary I. Carne was entrusted with the difficult task of restoring diplomatic relations between England and Rome. He remained in Rome until his death in 1561. His attachment to Wales and his staunch Catholic faith are evident in the burial memorial erected to his memory in a church in Rome by two Welsh friends.


Ewenni 的 Edward Carne 爵士,c.1496-1561

都铎王朝的威尔士人爱德华·卡恩爵士 (c.1496-1561) 作为杰出的外交官和律师而享有盛誉。被红衣主教沃尔西选中为亨利八世服务,他被派往罗马辩解者在取消国王与阿拉贡王后凯瑟琳的婚姻的过程中。在罗塔拒绝取消亨利的婚姻后,卡恩回到格拉摩根,继续他的公务员生涯。他被任命为治安官、请求主管,并被任命为威尔士马奇的委员会成员。他的下一个主要任命是在玛丽一世统治期间担任英国驻罗马教廷特使。卡恩被赋予了恢复英格兰和罗马之间外交关系的艰巨任务。他一直留在罗马,直到 1561 年去世。他对威尔士的依恋和坚定的天主教信仰在罗马的一个教堂里由两个威尔士朋友为纪念他而竖立的墓碑中显而易见。