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Theagnus dei, Catholic devotion, and confessional politics in early modern England
British Catholic History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-24 , DOI: 10.1017/bch.2018.1
Aislinn Muller

After 1571 Catholic sacred objects were outlawed in England, and the possession of such objects could be prosecuted under the statute ofpraemunire. Despite this prohibition sacred objects including rosaries, blessed beads, and theagnus dei(wax pendants blessed by the pope) remained a critical part of Catholic devotion. This article examines the role of theagnus deiin English Catholic communities and the unique political connotations it acquired during the reign of Elizabeth I. It assesses the uses of these sacramentals in Catholic missions to England, their reception amongst Catholics, and the political significance of theagnus deiin light of the papal excommunication of Elizabeth I in 1570.


Theagnus dei、天主教信仰和近代早期英格兰的忏悔政治

1571 年后,天主教圣物在英格兰被取缔,持有此类圣物可根据初中生. 尽管有这项禁令,但圣物包括念珠、祝福的珠子和阿格努斯(教皇祝福的蜡吊坠)仍然是天主教信仰的重要组成部分。这篇文章探讨了角色的作用阿格努斯在英国天主教社区及其在伊丽莎白一世统治期间获得的独特政治内涵。它评估了这些圣礼在天主教对英国的使命中的使用,它们在天主教徒中的接受程度,以及圣礼的政治意义阿格努斯鉴于 1570 年伊丽莎白一世被教皇逐出教会。