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‘Worthy to be hadde and redde of euerye Englishe man’: the private, public and political contexts of Thomas More’s EnglishWorkes
British Catholic History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-27 , DOI: 10.1017/bch.2018.23
Katherine Forsyth

In 1624 the playwright John Webster lauded Thomas More as a learned and worthy poet, placing him alongside Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate and Philip Sidney. It is clear that More was celebrated by Webster not only for the quality of his literary writing, but also for the wider political, social and historical influence of his literary output. This article uses the production of the 1557 folio of More’s EnglishWorkesto explore the literary, political and religious influence of More’s writing in the 1550s and beyond, and situates More’sWorkeswithin the wider context of folio production in Renaissance England. It also explores how the publication of More’sWorkesin folio established a distinct literary position for Thomas More in the mid-1550s, and highlights the unusual nature of the folio’s compilation and production within the mid-Tudor book trade.


“值得成为 euerye Englishe man 的 hadde and redde”:托马斯·莫尔的英国作品的私人、公共和政治背景

1624 年,剧作家约翰·韦伯斯特称赞托马斯·莫尔是一位博学和值得称道的诗人,将他与乔叟、高尔、利德盖特和菲利普·西德尼并列。显然,韦伯斯特称赞莫尔不仅是因为他的文学作品的质量,而且还因为他的文学作品具有更广泛的政治、社会和历史影响。本文使用莫尔英语1557对开本的制作作品探索莫尔在 1550 年代及以后写作的文学、政治和宗教影响,并将莫尔的作品在英格兰文艺复兴时期对开本制作的更广泛背景下。它还探讨了如何出版 More's作品对开本在 1550 年代中期为托马斯·莫尔确立了独特的文学地位,并突出了对开本在都铎王朝中期图书贸易中汇编和制作的不寻常性质。