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Thomas McInally, A Saltire in the German Lands: Scottish Benedictine Monasteries in Germany 1575–1862 , Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 2016, pp. viii + 223, £35, ISBN: 9781857520576
British Catholic History Pub Date : 2018-09-27 , DOI: 10.1017/bch.2018.37
Cormac Begadon

have been better placed at the start). Overall, the tables are easy to read although since each individual table is displayed as a single PDF page, it is necessary to manipulate the document view in order to see all the information on a given genealogical table. The strength of this volume is undoubtedly also its greatest drawback. Despite the sheer wealth and scope of information unveiled by the editor, as she herself points out, few of the revisions and none of the revised genealogies are available on the online database. This will undoubtedly limit the impact and future use of this research. The relatively high price-point (£75) means that it will largely be the preserve of the academic library market while the out-dated mode of presentation of the genealogical tables (on CD-ROM) means the material will become (and in many cases, already is) inaccessible. One can only hope that the website will be updated to take account of Keats-Rohan’s extensive findings. A number of grammatical and quantitative errors are also evident in the printed text and are liable to cause confusion. For example, on page lv one paragraph is duplicated but with different numerical values; one version states that there are 303 genealogical charts in the appendix while the other puts the number at 315. (A count by the author of this review confirmed 303 to be the correct figure). The title is also misleading since not all women listed in the register were English. These drawbacks notwithstanding, this volume represents a significant contribution to our understanding of the ways in which English convents established in Europe operated. Most strikingly, it reveals in precise detail the extensive familial and social networks that were so vital to the ongoing success and survival of the exiled houses down to the eighteenth century.


托马斯·麦金纳利(Thomas McInally),《德国土地上的撒盐人:德国的苏格兰本笃会修道院1575–1862年》,阿伯丁:阿伯丁大学出版社,2016年,第ii + 223页,£35,ISBN:9781857520576

一开始就更好了)。总体而言,这些表易于阅读,尽管由于每个单独的表都显示为单个PDF页面,所以有必要操纵文档视图以查看给定家谱表上的所有信息。该体积的强度无疑也是其最大的缺点。正如编辑本人所指出的那样,尽管编辑公布的信息十分丰富和广泛,但在线数据库上几乎没有这些修订,也没有修订的家谱。无疑,这将限制这项研究的影响和未来的使用。相对较高的价位(75英镑)意味着它在很大程度上将是学术图书馆市场的保留,而家谱表的过时呈现方式(在CD-ROM上)意味着该材料将成为(而且在许多情况下情况 已经)无法访问。人们只能希望该网站能够得到更新,以考虑到Keats-Rohan的广泛发现。在印刷文本中还明显存在许多语法和数量上的错误,容易引起混淆。例如,在第lv页上,一个段落被重复,但是具有不同的数值;一个版本指出附录中有303个族谱图,而另一个版本则将其编号为315。(本作者的计数证实303是正确的数字)。由于并非所有登记册中的女性都是英语,因此标题也具有误导性。尽管存在这些弊端,但本书仍对我们对在欧洲建立的英国修道院的运作方式的理解做出了重大贡献。最惊人的是