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The Marginalization of Astrology: Introduction

Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-18 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-02256p01
Rienk Vermij 1 , Hiro Hirai 2

Astrology was an integral part of university teaching in the Middle Ages. The discipline of astronomia comprehended not only the calculation of planetary orbits, but also the casting of horoscopes, the calculation of houses and aspects, the character of the various planets, and the like. Although the astronomical and astrological parts were separate and had their own textbooks, both domains were taught in the same body of education. However, starting in the seventeenth-century, universities gradually no longer considered the teaching of astrological techniques as their task. Astronomy developed further without any link to astrological pursuits. Something similar happened in the field of medicine. Medieval medicine and surgery had strong astrological ties, as is evident in the famous theory of ‘critical days’ of health and illness. The origin of a disease was often attributed, among other things, to the celestial constellation, and many cures had an astrological component as well. Most notably, bloodletting was performed in consideration of the astrological calendar. In the eighteenth century, however, leading physicians and surgeons generally no longer appealed to celestial causality. Their theories and practices barely referred to the power of the stars. What is true of medicine is so of many other fields as well. According to the traditional Aristotelian theory, generation and decay in the terrestrial world were caused by the influence of the heavens. Many physical and chemical



占星术是中世纪大学教学中不可或缺的一部分。天文学的学科不仅包括行星轨道的计算,还包括星座的铸造、宫位和相位的计算、各种行星的特征等。虽然天文和占星学的部分是分开的,并且有自己的教科书,但这两个领域都是在同一个教育机构中教授的。然而,从17世纪开始,大学逐渐不再把传授占星术作为他们的任务。天文学进一步发展,与占星学的追求没有任何联系。类似的事情也发生在医学领域。中世纪的医学和外科手术有着很强的占星学联系,正如著名的健康和疾病“关键日子”理论所证明的那样。除其他外,疾病的起源通常归因于星座,许多治疗方法也有占星术的成分。最值得注意的是,放血是考虑到占星术日历而进行的。然而,在 18 世纪,主要的医生和外科医生通常不再诉诸天体因果关系。他们的理论和实践几乎没有提到星星的力量。医学如此,其他许多领域也是如此。根据传统的亚里士多德理论,地球上的生灭是受诸天影响的结果。许多物理和化学 放血是根据占星历进行的。然而,在 18 世纪,主要的医生和外科医生通常不再诉诸天体因果关系。他们的理论和实践几乎没有提到星星的力量。医学如此,其他许多领域也是如此。根据传统的亚里士多德理论,地球上的生灭是受诸天影响的结果。许多物理和化学 放血是根据占星历进行的。然而,在 18 世纪,主要的医生和外科医生通常不再诉诸天体因果关系。他们的理论和实践几乎没有提到星星的力量。医学如此,其他许多领域也是如此。根据传统的亚里士多德理论,地球上的生灭是受诸天影响的结果。许多物理和化学 地界的生灭,都是受诸天的影响。许多物理和化学 地界的生灭,都是受诸天的影响。许多物理和化学