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Global Scientific Practice in an Age of Revolutions, 1750–1850 ed. by Patrick Manning and Daniel Rood
Journal of World History ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/jwh.2019.0021
Qiong Zhang

theme of compromise in the face of need provides one way to look at German practice as a whole. However, with Kuss, as with discussion of the response to the Resistance during World War Two, so with Stoltzfus, it is necessary to consider the ideology at play and the extent to which there was a brutal and overriding determination to ensure control and remould society. In each case, this is apparent. Being exposed to a policy of tactical expedience was not probably the first thought of those being slaughtered or tortured.


革命时代的全球科学实践,1750-1850 年版。帕特里克·曼宁和丹尼尔·鲁德

在需要面前妥协的主题提供了一种从整体上看待德国实践的方式。然而,对于库斯,就像讨论第二次世界大战期间对抵抗运动的反应一样,因此对于斯托尔茨福斯,有必要考虑正在发挥作用的意识形态以及确保控制和改造社会的残酷和压倒一切的决心的程度. 在每种情况下,这都是显而易见的。接触到战术上的权宜之计可能不是那些被屠杀或折磨的人的第一个想法。