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A Crooked River: Rustlers, Rangers, and Regulars on the Lower Rio Grande, 1861-1877 by Michael L. Collins
Journal of Southern History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/soh.2019.0088
Alicia M. Dewey

wide-ranging than some scholars, like Thompson, have shown. Lincoln, too, enjoyed the humor of vulgarity, which reflected not only Lincoln’s rural frontier upbringing but also his purposeful attempts to identify with the common man. Carwardine agrees with other scholars who have noted that Lincoln “applied humor with purpose and for advantage” in his political career (p. 92). Lincoln discovered early in his career that humor could be deployed as a tool to gain influence over others. It is in exploring this theme—the development of Lincoln’s public and political uses of humor—that Carwardine’s work is strongest. Carwardine shows how, over time, Lincoln’s humor evolved, as he increasingly embraced self-restraint in the use of humor. By late 1860, Lincoln understood that the public use of humor could injure not only his own career but also the country. In the end, Carwardine succeeds in his goal of sketching a complete vision of Lincoln’s humor. Relying on biographies of Lincoln, newspapers, and the latest monographs, Carwardine shows the monumental research he has conducted on the sixteenth president. If there is a weakness in the book, it is the vast number of anecdotes, stories, and jokes that overshadow larger historiographical questions concerning Lincoln. In the end, though, Lincoln’s Sense of Humor successfully helps the reader gain great insight into the mind of the sixteenth president of the United States.


一条弯曲的河流:1861-1877 年下里奥格兰德河上的盗贼、游骑兵和正规军 作者:Michael L. Collins

比汤普森等一些学者所展示的范围更广。林肯也喜欢粗俗的幽默,这不仅反映了林肯在农村边疆的成长经历,也反映了他有意与普通人认同的尝试。Carwardine 同意其他学者的看法,他们指出林肯在他的政治生涯中“有目的地和为了利益而运用幽默”(第 92 页)。林肯在他职业生涯的早期就发现幽默可以作为一种工具来影响他人。正是在探索这个主题——林肯在公共和政治上运用幽默的发展——卡沃丁的作品最为出色。Carwardine 展示了林肯的幽默是如何随着时间的推移而演变的,因为他在幽默的使用中越来越接受自我克制。到 1860 年底,林肯明白,公开使用幽默不仅会损害他自己的事业,还会损害国家。最后,卡瓦丁成功地勾勒出林肯幽默的完整愿景。依靠林肯的传记、报纸和最新的专着,卡沃丁展示了他对第十六任总统进行的巨大研究。如果这本书有一个弱点,那就是大量的轶事、故事和笑话掩盖了关于林肯的更大的史学问题。不过,最终,林肯的幽默感成功地帮助读者深入了解了美国第十六任总统的思想。Carwardine 展示了他对第十六任总统进行的重大研究。如果这本书有一个弱点,那就是大量的轶事、故事和笑话掩盖了关于林肯的更大的史学问题。尽管如此,林肯的幽默感最终还是成功地帮助读者深入了解了美国第十六任总统的思想。Carwardine 展示了他对第十六任总统进行的重大研究。如果这本书有一个弱点,那就是大量的轶事、故事和笑话掩盖了关于林肯的更大的史学问题。尽管如此,林肯的幽默感最终还是成功地帮助读者深入了解了美国第十六任总统的思想。