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Edward Terry Sanford: A Tennessean on the U.S. Supreme Court by Stephanie L. Slater
Journal of Southern History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/soh.2019.0109
Mary A. Evins

violence as irrational, chaotic, and spontaneous. González-Tennant, to the contrary, argues that most violence of that sort grew from quite rational origins. He uses the Rosewood race riot as an example. He notes that rational thought propelled the white mob when its members went after Sam Carter, who allegedly knew the attacker, and Sarah and Philomena Carrier, who witnessed firsthand the attack on Fannie Taylor. The white mob destroyed the Carriers’ home and killed Carter because its members collectively perceived their victims to be direct actors in the instigating incident. Rosewood stood out from other race riots, though, in that state and federal law enforcement agencies were contacted. They tragically failed to arrive in time to afford relief. The Rosewood Massacre accomplishes a yeoman’s job in demonstrating the sense of agency black people possessed during the Rosewood race riot, teasing out how residents took steps to protect their homes and families. Absent help from state and federal law enforcement officials, they sought to do for themselves as much as possible. The author additionally suggests that any solid study of interpersonal violence requires a focus on civil engagement in issues of race, inequality, and social justice. Hoping to better communicate to the public the complexities of events such as Rosewood, he buttresses his approach with additional tools such as digital storytelling, online forms of public archaeology, and virtual world environments. Given its provocative thesis, this book contributes significantly to our understanding of the Rosewood massacre and deserves a wide readership. It meanwhile demonstrates the value of multidisciplinary approaches for studying race riots in America.



暴力是非理性的、混乱的和自发的。相反,González-Tennant 认为大多数此类暴力源于相当理性的起源。他以红木种族骚乱为例。他指出,当白人暴徒追捕据称认识袭击者的山姆·卡特和亲眼目睹对房利美·泰勒的袭击的莎拉和菲洛梅娜·卡里尔时,理性的想法推动了白人暴徒。白人暴徒摧毁了航母的家并杀死了卡特,因为其成员集体认为他们的受害者是煽动事件的直接参与者。不过,Rosewood 从其他种族骚乱中脱颖而出,在该州和联邦执法机构进行了联系。不幸的是,他们未能及时到达以提供救济。红木大屠杀完成了自耕农的工作,展示了黑人在红木种族骚乱期间所拥有的代理意识,梳理了居民如何采取措施保护他们的家园和家人。在没有州和联邦执法官员帮助的情况下,他们试图尽可能地为自己做事。作者还建议,任何对人际暴力的扎实研究都需要关注种族、不平等和社会正义问题上的公民参与。为了更好地向公众传达 Rosewood 等事件的复杂性,他通过其他工具来支持他的方法,例如数字故事讲述、公共考古的在线形式和虚拟世界环境。鉴于其挑衅性的论点,这本书对我们对红木大屠杀的理解做出了重大贡献,值得广大读者阅读。同时,它展示了多学科方法在研究美国种族骚乱方面的价值。