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Sacco and Vanzetti, Mary Donovan and transatlantic radicalism in the 1920s
Irish Historical Studies Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1017/ihs.2020.9
Niall Whelehan

In 1927 the Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed in Boston following a murder trial that was widely denounced for its anti-labour and anti-immigrant bias. From 1921 the campaign to save the two men powerfully mobilised labour internationalism and triggered waves of protests across the world. This article examines the important contributions made by Irish and Irish-American radicals to the Sacco-Vanzetti campaign. Mary Donovan was a leading member of the Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee, and a second-generation Irish union organiser and member of Boston's James Connolly Club. In the 1920s she travelled to Ireland twice and appealed to Irish and Irish American labour to support the campaign. At the same time, Donovan and many of the activists considered here held ambiguous personal and political relationships with Ireland. Transnational Irish radicalism in the early-twentieth century is most commonly considered in nationalist terms. Taking a distinctly non-Irish cause – the Sacco-Vanzetti case of 1920–7 – allows us to look from a different perspective at the global Irish Revolution and reveals how radical labour currents reached into Irish and Irish-American circles during the revolutionary era, though the response to the campaign also indicates a receding internationalism in the immediate aftermath of Irish independence.


Sacco 和 Vanzetti、Mary Donovan 和 1920 年代的跨大西洋激进主义

1927 年,意大利无政府主义者尼古拉·萨科 (Nicola Sacco) 和巴托洛梅奥·万泽蒂 (Bartolomeo Vanzetti) 在波士顿因反劳工和反移民偏见而受到广泛谴责的谋杀案审判后被处决。从 1921 年起,拯救两人的运动有力地动员了劳工国际主义,并在世界范围内引发了一波又一波的抗议。本文考察了爱尔兰和爱尔兰裔美国激进分子对萨科-万泽蒂运动所做的重要贡献。Mary Donovan 是 Sacco-Vanzetti 防御委员会的主要成员,第二代爱尔兰工会组织者和波士顿詹姆斯康诺利俱乐部的成员。在 1920 年代,她两次前往爱尔兰,并呼吁爱尔兰和爱尔兰裔美国劳工支持这项运动。同时,多诺万和这里考虑的许多活动家与爱尔兰的个人和政治关系模棱两可。二十世纪初的跨国爱尔兰激进主义最常被认为是民族主义。采取一个明显非爱尔兰的原因——1920-7 年的 Sacco-Vanzetti 案——使我们能够从不同的角度看待全球爱尔兰革命,并揭示革命时代激进的劳工潮流如何进入爱尔兰和爱尔兰裔美国人的圈子,尽管对该运动的反应也表明爱尔兰独立后国际主义正在消退。