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Papers of the British School at Rome ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-09 , DOI: 10.1017/s0068246217000423
Andrew C. Johnston , Marcello Mogetta , Laura Banducci , Rachel Opitz , Anna Gallone , Jason Farr , Emanuele Casagrande Cicci , Nicola Terrenato

Excavations at the Latin city of Gabii in 2012–15 conducted by the Gabii Project have uncovered a monumental building complex, hitherto known only very partially from previous excavations in the 1990s. Organized on a series of three artificial terraces that regularized the slope of the volcanic terrain, it measures some 60 m by 35 m, occupying an entire city-block. It is prominently situated at one of the most central locations within the city, on the main urban thoroughfare at the important intersection of the roads from Tibur, Praeneste and Rome. Stratigraphic evidence and construction techniques date the original phase of the building to the mid-third century BC. This report focuses on a contextualization and description of this first, mid-Republican phase and offers a preliminary interpretation of this complex as a public building, with spaces designed for a variety of functions: bathing, public feasting, and ritual activity. If this is correct, it now represents one of the very few examples of public buildings other than temples and fortifications known from the mid-Republican period, and sheds important light on the development of Roman architecture and of the Latin cities in a crucial and obscure period.


位于 GABII 的巨大的共和党中部建筑群

Gabii 项目于 2012-15 年在拉丁城市 Gabii 进行的挖掘工作发现了一座巨大的建筑群,迄今为止仅部分地从 1990 年代的先前挖掘中获知。它由一系列三个人工梯田组成,使火山地形的坡度变得规则化,尺寸约为 60 m x 35 m,占据了整个城市街区。它位于城市内最中心的位置之一,位于Tibur、Praeneste 和罗马道路的重要交汇处的主要城市大道上。地层证据和施工技术将建筑物的原始阶段追溯到公元前三世纪中叶。本报告侧重于对这一第一阶段的背景化和描述,即共和党中期,并对该综合体作为公共建筑的初步解释,具有为各种功能设计的空间:沐浴、公共宴会和仪式活动。如果这是正确的,那么它现在代表了共和国中期已知的除了寺庙和防御工事之外的极少数公共建筑之一,并为罗马建筑和拉丁城市在一个关键而晦涩的地方的发展提供了重要的启示时期。