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Counter-Theatre during the 1797 Fleet Mutinies
International Review of Social History ( IF 0.700 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020859019000531
Callum Easton

In the spring of 1797, when French invasion appeared likely, the Spithead and Nore mutinies successively immobilized the two Royal Navy fleets responsible for home defence. The Spithead mutineers gained more pay and greater food rations for all Royal Navy sailors, and a general pardon for themselves. The Nore mutiny ended in collapse, courts martial, and the execution of approximately twenty-eight prominent mutineers. In their scale and potential danger, these fleet mutinies rank among the most serious manifestations of collective resistance in eighteenth-century Britain. In complexity, they far exceeded single-ship mutinies like the Bounty or Hermione. The mutineers deliberately subverted symbols of the legitimate rule of officers and deployed them in support of their own rival regime. “Counter-theatre” allowed the mutineer leaders to perpetuate their rule with minimal recourse to coercion by combining familiar symbols of naval order, new mutineer power structures, and sailors’ traditions of resistance. As such, the mutinies speak to wider literatures: to histories of the age of revolutions, to the revolutionary Atlantic, and to histories of popular protest and resistance.


1797 年舰队兵变期间的反剧场

1797 年春天,当法国入侵的可能性出现时,Spithead 和 Nore 兵变相继使负责本土防御的两支皇家海军舰队无法动弹。Spithead 叛变者为所有皇家海军水手获得了更高的薪水和更多的食物配给,并为他们自己获得了普遍的赦免。诺尔叛乱以崩溃、军事法庭和大约二十八名著名叛乱分子的处决而告终。就其规模和潜在危险而言,这些舰队叛乱是 18 世纪英国集体抵抗最严重的表现之一。在复杂性上,它们远远超过了像赏金要么赫敏. 叛变者故意颠覆军官合法统治的象征,并部署他们来支持他们自己的敌对政权。“反战区”通过结合熟悉的海军秩序符号、新的叛变者权力结构和水手的抵抗传统,使叛变者领导人能够以最少的胁迫手段来延续他们的统治。因此,叛乱涉及更广泛的文学作品:革命时代的历史、革命的大西洋,以及民众抗议和抵抗的历史。