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Migrants at the Center: Expulsion Regimes, Self-Representation, and Translocal Lives
American Literary History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1093/alh/ajz026
Dalia Kandiyoti

An expanded regime of expulsion haunts the globe. Refugees from long-past or current wars, legal residents with “irregular” backgrounds, “enemy” or undesirable minorities and “aliens,” as well as the undocumented live under the sign of expulsion on all continents. In the US, this regime is tied to the growing demonization of migration and policies and practices of the past decade, whose scale and impact have been massive. Despite official rhetoric about the legitimacy of legal immigration, it is clear that the notion of the US as “a nation of immigrants” has been in the process of dismantlement. Popularized by John F. Kennedy in the 1960s, this phrase, and its ideology, which occludes conquest, slavery, and expulsion, had served as a core of official national identity until fairly recently. The post-2001 border and immigration restrictions and targeting of the undocumented have been amplified more recently with selective limitations of legal migration through bans of particular nationals, proposals to eliminate “chain migration” and birthright citizenship, the telling removal of the phrase itself in 2018 from the federal immigration agency’s mission statement, and much more. While the immigrant no longer stands for the nation, the undocumented or “illegal” migrant has risen to the position of an essential other to sovereignty itself and is the key figure mobilizing the new securitization, the bedrock of “homeland” identity in the new millennium. As scholars like Mae Ngai have shown, the shifts regarding unauthorized status and criminality predate 2001, setting the stage for the current moment. In two new books, Ana Raquel Minian’s



一种扩大的驱逐制度困扰着全球。来自过去或当前战争的难民、具有“非正规”背景的合法居民、“敌人”或不受欢迎的少数民族和“外星人”,以及无证者在各大洲都生活在被驱逐的标志下。在美国,这一制度与过去十年对移民以及政策和做法的日益妖魔化有关,其规模和影响是巨大的。尽管官方对合法移民的合法性发表了言论,但很明显,美国作为“移民国家”的概念一直在瓦解过程中。在 1960 年代由约翰·肯尼迪 (John F. Kennedy) 推广,这个短语及其排除征服、奴隶制和驱逐的意识形态直到最近才成为官方国家认同的核心。2001 年后的边境和移民限制以及针对无证移民的限制最近被放大,通过禁止特定国民来选择性地限制合法移民、消除“连锁移民”和出生公民权的提议,以及在 2018 年明确删除该短语本身来自联邦移民局的使命声明,等等。虽然移民不再代表国家,但无证或“非法”移民已经上升到主权本身必不可少的其他人的位置,并且是动员新证券化的关键人物,新千年“家园”身份的基石. 正如 Mae Ngai 等学者所表明的那样,关于未经授权的身份和犯罪的转变早于 2001 年,为当前奠定了基础。在两本新书中,安娜·拉奎尔·米尼安的 消除“连锁移民”和与生俱来的公民身份的建议,在 2018 年从联邦移民局的使命声明中明显删除该短语本身,等等。虽然移民不再代表国家,但无证或“非法”移民已经上升到主权本身必不可少的其他人的位置,并且是动员新证券化的关键人物,新千年“家园”身份的基石. 正如 Mae Ngai 等学者所表明的那样,关于未经授权的身份和犯罪的转变早于 2001 年,为当前奠定了基础。在两本新书中,安娜·拉奎尔·米尼安的 消除“连锁移民”和与生俱来的公民身份的建议,在 2018 年从联邦移民局的使命声明中明显删除该短语本身,等等。虽然移民不再代表国家,但无证或“非法”移民已经上升到主权本身必不可少的其他人的位置,并且是动员新证券化的关键人物,新千年“家园”身份的基石. 正如 Mae Ngai 等学者所表明的那样,关于未经授权的身份和犯罪的转变早于 2001 年,为当前奠定了基础。在两本新书中,安娜·拉奎尔·米尼安的 虽然移民不再代表国家,但无证或“非法”移民已经上升到主权本身必不可少的其他人的位置,并且是动员新证券化的关键人物,新千年“家园”身份的基石. 正如 Mae Ngai 等学者所表明的那样,关于未经授权的身份和犯罪的转变早于 2001 年,为当前奠定了基础。在两本新书中,安娜·拉奎尔·米尼安的 虽然移民不再代表国家,但无证或“非法”移民已经上升到主权本身必不可少的其他人的位置,并且是动员新证券化的关键人物,新千年“家园”身份的基石. 正如 Mae Ngai 等学者所表明的那样,关于未经授权的身份和犯罪的转变早于 2001 年,为当前奠定了基础。在两本新书中,安娜·拉奎尔·米尼安的