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Network Unavailable: Informal Populations and Literary Form
American Literary History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-17 , DOI: 10.1093/alh/ajy046
Jason Gladstone

It is now frequently asserted—even assumed—that the fact of interconnection is, indeed, a fact about a contemporary condition characterized by the globalization of economic and technological relationships. This is significant because, as Patrick Jagoda has recently demonstrated, “the mantra of the present is that everything is interconnected” (30). According to Jagoda, experiences of interconnection have become pervasive because the networked condition they imply has been naturalized: the “network” has been consolidated as “our current cultural dominant” (221). As scholars like Jagoda, Kris Cohen, and Wendy Chun have demonstrated, this consolidation of the network concept has occurred in conjunction with the rise of neoliberalism and the development of the Internet. Attuned to such developments, agenda-setting scholars of global American literature like Wai Chee Dimock, Ursula Heise, and Bruce Robbins have focused our critical attention on literature’s capacity to make readers apprehend the scales and antinomies of planetary interconnectedness. Given how pervasive is the network concept, this attention has served a productive approach to contemporary US literature. What it leaves out, however, are global novels of the Americas like Roberto Bola~no’s 2666 (2004) and Tao Lin’s Taipei: A Novel (2013)—two novels that, as different as they are, represent the contemporary as a condition in which reality is not governed by the laws of interconnectedness. These novels abjure interconnection to represent the present. In 2666 the contemporary is neither networked nor interconnected; in Taipei it is networked but not interconnected. In both, the fact of interconnection is not a fact. Rather, here personhood is inoperative and networks are



现在经常断言——甚至假设——互连的事实确实是一个以经济和技术关系全球化为特征的当代条件的事实。这很重要,因为正如帕特里克·贾戈达 (Patrick Jagoda) 最近所证明的那样,“现在的口头禅是一切都是相互关联的”(30)。根据 Jagoda 的说法,互联体验变得普遍,因为它们所暗示的网络条件已经自然化:“网络”已被巩固为“我们当前的文化主导地位”(221)。正如 Jagoda、Kris Cohen 和 Wendy Chun 等学者所证明的那样,网络概念的这种巩固与新自由主义的兴起和互联网的发展同时发生。适应这样的发展,像伟志·迪莫克、厄休拉·海斯和布鲁斯·罗宾斯这样的全球美国文学议程设置学者将我们的批判性注意力集中在文学使读者理解行星相互联系的规模和二律背反的能力上。鉴于网络概念的普遍性,这种关注为当代美国文学提供了一种富有成效的方法。然而,它遗漏的是美洲的全球小说,如罗伯托·波拉诺的《2666》(2004 年)和陶林的《台北:小说》(2013 年)——这两部小说虽然不同,但代表了当代作为一种条件。哪个现实不受相互联系的规律支配。这些小说摒弃了相互联系来代表现在。在 2666 年,当代既没有网络也没有相互联系;在台北,它是联网的,但不是互连的。同时,互连的事实不是事实。相反,在这里人格是无效的,网络是