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Book review: Studies of Post-1841 Irish Family Structures, Airurando no Nomin Kazoku Shi [History of Irish Farm Families]
Irish Economic and Social History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0332489318804931j
L. M. Cullen 1

motivations are used to explain Unionist identity (e.g. p. 157). For example, the statement that ‘Until he [the Northern Irish Unionist] comes to accept the traditions of the majority of the nation, we must be prepared to allow him to have his “Twelfth” walk, even in a United Ireland’ (p. 163) would not be one to win over the hearts and minds of even the most moderate Unionist. Likewise, his comments regarding political violence are even more unsettling to say the least. For example, Ó Nualláin’s comments (pp. 71–2) that in the period 1931–32 he could not become a member of the Irish Republican Army, despite agreeing with their objectives, only because he disagreed with attacks on either the Irish Free State Army or An Gárda Sı́ochána left this reader more than somewhat appalled. Nevertheless, despite its blind spots regarding Northern Ireland, Memoir of An Irish Economist is an important book which provides insights into a number of topics important to considering the emergence of modern Ireland.


书评:1841 年后爱尔兰家庭结构研究,Airurando no Nomin Kazoku Shi [爱尔兰农场家庭的历史]

动机用于解释工会身份(egp 157)。例如,“在他(北爱尔兰统一主义者)开始接受该国大多数人的传统之前,我们必须准备好让他进行他的“第十二次”行走,即使是在联合爱尔兰”(p . 163)即使是最温和的工会主义者也无法赢得人心。同样,他对政治暴力的评论至少可以说更令人不安。例如,Ó Nualláin 的评论(第 71-2 页)说,在 1931-32 年期间,尽管同意他们的目标,但他不能成为爱尔兰共和军的成员,只是因为他不同意对爱尔兰自由邦的攻击军队或 An Gárda Sı́ochána 让这位读者感到非常震惊。尽管如此,尽管北爱尔兰存在盲点,