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Industrialiser l’Indochine (1898–1900)?:Entre “petite patrie” lyonnaise et réseaux à l’échelle du monde
French Colonial History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-01 , DOI: 10.14321/frencolohist.16.1.0055
Jean-François Klein 1

Abstract:The mooring of the Third French Republic, at the beginning of the 1880s, depended as much on the will of the Opportunistes—for the most part men linked to Gambetta—as on the Modérés, given that colonial expansionism represented a neutral terrain on which these men could meet. The local level, that of the petites patries, here Lyon, provides a methodological space to attempt to understand how this République des hommes d’affaires, to use Jean Garigue’s expression, constructed both the French Imperial project and the way to run this project. It allows us also to understand how the liberal lyonnaises elites—mercantile, industrial, and financial—played a role in shaping its economic implantation in Indochina, particularly in Tonkin and Annam. At the turn of the century, a small nebula of patrons and local politiques, of national and imperial dimension, gathered around Ulysse Pila—the Lyonnais paragon of colonization in East Asia and Southeast Asia—played a crucial role in the first phase of Indochinese industrialization. Their dynamism reveals a play which can be read on three levels: local (Lyon/Tonkin), national (France/Indochina), and international (Colonial empire/East Asia and Southeast Asia). More than a mere form of municipal imperialism, their commitment, both financial and ideological, allows the elucidation of a constructive network of the French patronat, on the eve of the Belle Époque.


工业化者Indochine(1898–1900)?: Entre“ petite patrie” lyonnaise etréseauxàl'échelledu monde

摘要:1880年代初,法兰西第三共和国的停泊在很大程度上取决于机会主义者的意愿(在很大程度上与甘贝塔有联系的人)和莫代雷斯人一样,因为殖民主义扩张主义代表了中产阶级的中立立场。这些人可以见面。本地人,即里昂的小身子,提供了一个方法论空间,以试图了解这位法国人代理人如何使用让·加里格的表述来构建法国帝国计划和该计划的运行方式。它也使我们能够了解自由贸易的lyonnaise精英人物(无论是商品,工业还是金融)如何影响其在印度支那,特别是在Tonkin和Annam的经济植入。在世纪之交,一个由顾客和当地政治组成的小星云,在东亚和东南亚殖民地的里昂人典范人物尤利西斯·皮拉(Ulysse Pila)周围聚集着民族和帝国主义的思想,在印度支那工业化的第一阶段发挥了关键作用。他们的活力展现了一种戏剧,可以从三个层面上进行解读:本地(里昂/顿金),国家(法国/印度支那)和国际(殖民帝国/东亚和东南亚)。他们在财政和意识形态上的承诺不仅仅是一种形式的市政帝国主义,它还可以阐明在百丽时代前夕法国建设者的建设性网络。国家(法国/印度支那)和国际(殖民帝国/东亚和东南亚)。他们在财政和意识形态上的承诺不仅仅是一种形式的市政帝国主义,它还可以阐明在百丽时代前夕法国建设者的建设性网络。国家(法国/印度支那)和国际(殖民帝国/东亚和东南亚)。他们在财政和意识形态上的承诺不仅仅是一种形式的市政帝国主义,它还可以阐明在百丽时代前夕法国建设者的建设性网络。