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Filming the End of the Holocaust: Allied Documentaries, Nuremberg and the Liberation of the Concentration Camps
Holocaust and Genocide Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-01 , DOI: 10.1093/hgs/dcw019
Brad Prager

problem restricted WJC successes to “only” a few thousand children saved, he sheds light on the variety of rescue methods employed in Portugal, Denmark, and Bulgaria. In particular, he documents the many initiatives by which rank-and-file members saved thousands more lives. As Segev observes, “secrecy created the impression that the WJC had done nothing whatsoever.”However, his attribution of this secrecy exclusively to the policy of restraint that dictated much of WJC strategy during the war is too simplistic: many factors influenced the WJC’s inability to publicize its rescue efforts, for instance, having to deal with often-hostile governments that did not necessarily want their Jews to be saved, or the realities of coordinating rescue operations under wartime conditions. Another interesting side of Segev’s work is his discussion of Zionism. Though this section does not connect clearly to the stated goal of the work, Segev traces WJC attitudes on Palestine. Leaders of the organization did not see Palestine as a haven for every Jew; instead they advocated a strong Diaspora and worked on behalf of Jews who wanted to return to their home countries after the war. Although the majority of the WJC leadership did consider themselves Zionists, the WJC, focused on civil rights at home, was not a Zionist organization. While some of Segev’s research supports his thesis, the lack of cohesiveness, the inadequate editing, and the fact that the author contradicts himself several times, make his book a difficult read. The author uses important materials from (among other repositories) the Central Zionist Archive, the Yad Vashem Archive, and the archives of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Though he promises new information about the World Jewish Congress during the Holocaust, Segev does not contribute substantially to the historiography beyond specific detail on certain rescue operations. This book has interesting points, but Segev could have bolstered his argumentation and marshalled more detail in support of the main themes.



问题将WJC的成功限制为“仅”拯救了数千名儿童,他阐明了在葡萄牙,丹麦和保加利亚采用的各种救援方法。特别是,他记录了许多计划,这些计划使普通会员挽救了成千上万的生命。正如Segev所言,“保密给人留下了WJC毫无作为的印象。”但是,他将这种保密性仅仅归因于在战争期间决定WJC策略的克制政策,这过于简单:许多因素影响了WJC的无能为了宣传其救援工作,例如,必须与不一定要拯救自己的犹太人的经常敌对的政府打交道,或者是在战时条件下协调救援行动的现实。塞格夫作品另一个有趣的方面是他对犹太复国主义的讨论。尽管本节与工作的既定目标没有明确的联系,但塞格夫(Segev)追溯了WJC对巴勒斯坦的态度。该组织的领导人并没有将巴勒斯坦视为每个犹太人的避风港。取而代之的是,他们提倡强大的侨民,并代表希望在战后返回家园的犹太人工作。尽管大多数WJC领导人确实认为自己是犹太复国主义者,但专注于国内民权的WJC并不是犹太复国主义组织。尽管Segev的某些研究支持他的论点,但缺乏凝聚力,编辑不足以及作者多次自相矛盾的事实使他的书难以阅读。作者使用了中央犹太复国主义档案馆,Yad Vashem档案馆(以及其他存储库)中的重要材料,以及美国犹太人联合发行委员会的档案。尽管他承诺在大屠杀期间提供有关世界犹太人大会的新信息,但塞格夫除了对某些营救行动的具体细节外,对史学的贡献不大。这本书有一些有趣的观点,但是塞格夫可以支持他的论点,并编排更多细节以支持主要主题。