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The Plan to Rescue Finnish Jews in 1944
Holocaust and Genocide Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-01 , DOI: 10.1093/hgs/dcw006
Simo Muir

Finnish memory politics has long been invested in an exceptionalism that presents World War II Finland as a safe haven for Jewish refugees and for Finnish Jews themselves. In fact, Finnish Jewry did perceive grave danger during the war, and geopolitical happenstance rather than deliberate policy alleviated it. The Jewish leadership was aware of the Holocaust and took precautions; when the Ryti-Ribbentrop Agreement strengthened Finland’s ties with Germany in June 1944, Jewish leaders formulated plans to evacuate Jews to Sweden. In the event, Germany’s worsening military situation allowed Finland to abandon cooperation with the Axis and the Jewish community to call off its plans. The author addresses the freighted silence surrounding this story, along with the complicated situation of Finnish Jewry in the war’s aftermath.



长期以来,芬兰的记忆政治一直被投资于一种例外主义,这种例外主义使第二次世界大战芬兰成为犹太难民和芬兰犹太人自身的避风港。实际上,芬兰犹太人在战争期间确实意识到了严重的危险,地缘政治事件而非故意的政策缓解了它。犹太领导人意识到大屠杀并采取了预防措施。1944年6月,《 Ryti-Ribbentrop协定》加强了芬兰与德国的关系时,犹太领导人制定了计划,将犹太人撤离到瑞典。结果,德国不断恶化的军事局势使芬兰放弃了与轴心国和犹太社区的合作,取消了其计划。作者讲述了围绕这个故事的沉寂,以及战争后芬兰犹太人的复杂处境。