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The Soviet Union and the Gutting of the UN Genocide ConventionAnton Weiss-Wendt
Holocaust and Genocide Studies ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1093/hgs/dcy026
Mark A Drumbl 1

1,250,000 Jews, obliterating the Jewish population of a vast region in Eastern Europe, comes as close to genocide as possible. Had the defendants been charged with genocide, the end result likely would have been identical. Because of the Cold War and the need for a “pro-Western” Germany as a bulwark against Soviet expansionism, most of the sentences eventually were commuted: four defendants were executed, but the rest were released by 1958—having served a mere ten years. The moral: politics trumps law whether the law is crimes against humanity or genocide. Lemkin’s success at Nuremberg proved pyrrhic, as the legal subtleties gave way before “higher” interests. Irvin-Erickson also suggests that Lemkin influenced the prosecutors at Nuremberg to utilize the concept of conspiracy (pp. 145–47). This is, however, questionable. The inclusion of conspiracy in the charge originated in the U.S. War Department in late 1944, largely through the persistence of then Lieutenant Colonel Murray Bernays. Further, it is most unlikely that Justice Robert H. Jackson, a former U.S. Attorney General, needed enlightenment on the scope of conspiracy law. Lemkin’s vision was an expanded use of the genocide concept in future; Bernays’ was the idea that if organizations such as the Gestapo and SS were named and convicted as criminal organizations, proof of membership would suffice for future convictions. But no one was prosecuted and convicted after the Nuremberg trials purely on the basis of membership. Irvin-Erickson notes that in the end, Lemkin considered his efforts to prevent genocide a failure. Lemkin wrote, “The fact is that the rain of my work fell on a fallow plain, only this rain was a mixture of the blood and tears of eight million people throughout the world. Included also were the tears of my parents and my friends” (p. 229). Although Lemkin was repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he never was so honored (nor is the prize awarded posthumously). One can only speculate that his early death precluded deserved recognition.


