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Religion and Violence in Early America
Reviews in American History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/rah.2018.0000
Rebecca Anne Goetz

In my office I keep a curious material artifact of American religious history— a Jim Beam whiskey bottle from 1973 in the shape of Hannah Duston. The bottle’s dress slips off her shoulders and her hair flows down her back (very unpuritan attributes). In one hand she holds a hatchet; in the other, a fistful of bloody blots representing the scalps of three Abenaki women, one Abenaki man, and six Abenaki children she murdered in 1697. The bottle’s base conveniently contains a brief history lesson: “First woman honored by a statue in the United States—1874 Led Massacre & scalping of ten Indians at Boscawen, New Hampshire, & escaped back to her Haverhill, Mass. family.” A war party captured the recently postpartum Duston and her midwife Mary Neff, killing her newborn infant and marching them towards French territory to the north. Once most of the men had departed, Duston, Neff, and another English captive named Samuel Lennardson murdered most of their captors, scalped them, and headed back to Massachusetts Bay to collect a £50 bounty on Native body parts. Cotton Mather honored her with a sermon in which he praised Duston’s murderous rampage as “the action of Jael upon Sisera.” The Biblical Jael murdered her enemy Sisera by driving a tent peg through his cranium, a tale related in the fifth chapter of the Book of Judges. Mather further reflected that “[i]f we did now Humble ourselves throughout the Land, who can say whether the Revenges on the Enemy, thus Exemplified [by Duston’s acts] would not proceed much rather into the Quick Extirpation, of those Bloody and Crafty men.”1 Mather did not expound upon how the killing of children in any way related to the killing of Sisera, although most historians believe that the Abenaki children, like Sisera, were asleep when Duston killed them. In the late seventeenth century, Mather and his congregation understood



在我的办公室里,我保留了一件关于美国宗教历史的奇特材料——一个 1973 年的 Jim Beam 威士忌酒瓶,形状为 Hannah Duston。瓶子的裙子从她的肩膀上滑落,她的头发从她的背上垂下来(非常不纯洁的属性)。她一只手拿着斧头;在另一只手上,有一大把血迹,代表了她在 1697 年谋杀的三名阿本纳基妇女、一名阿本纳基男子和六个阿本纳基儿童的头皮。瓶子的底部很方便地包含了一个简短的历史课:“第一位在美国获得雕像荣誉的女性各州——1874 年在新罕布什尔州博斯卡文领导大屠杀和剥头皮,并逃回马萨诸塞州黑弗希尔的家庭。” 一支战队俘虏了刚产完的达斯顿和她的助产士玛丽·内夫,杀死了她的新生婴儿,并将他们带往北部的法国领土。大多数人离开后,达斯顿、内夫和另一位名叫塞缪尔·伦纳德森的英国俘虏谋杀了大部分俘虏,剥了他们的头皮,然后返回马萨诸塞湾,领取 50 英镑的土著身体部位赏金。科顿·马瑟以一次布道向她表示敬意,在布道中他称赞达斯顿的凶残暴行是“杰尔对西西拉的行动”。圣经中的 Jael 用帐篷钉穿过他的头盖骨杀死了她的敌人 Sisera,这是一个与《士师记》第五章相关的故事。马瑟进一步反映说,“[i]如果我们现在在整个土地上谦卑自己,谁能说对敌人的报复,例如[达斯顿的行为]是否不会继续进行,而是快速消灭那些血腥和狡猾的人男人。”1 Mather 没有详细说明杀害儿童与杀害 Sisera 有何关系,尽管大多数历史学家认为,当 Duston 杀害他们时,Abenaki 儿童和 Sisera 一样正在睡觉。在 17 世纪后期,马瑟和他的会众明白