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Und am Ende kümmerten sie sich um das Wissenschaftsmuseum…
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1002/bewi.201801941
Monika Dommann 1

And at the End They Took Care of the Science Museum… This is the story of history of science, and why in the twenty‐first century it ended up curating the legacy of science, as we knew it. Once upon a time, history of science lived quietly and studious next to the Natural and the Medical Sciences and their wax models, their herbaria, the geological collections, and all the scientific instruments that once had been modern. Suddenly, around 1980, new interests in Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Studies arose. Provocative research questions as for example the history of rationality, the history of the subaltern technicians in the laboratory, and the ontology and epistemology of the hybrids between nature and culture inspired the intellectual discussions. Although the field flourished, received an abundance of funding and could even build up its own research institutes, after the Millennium, its very existence became gradually jeopardized. Science as we knew it since the Enlightenment lost grounds. The New Economy and not the state anymore provided the funding for research. History of science didn't succeed to survive as expert for data, blind spots, fakes, misinformation, lies, conspiracy theories, and historical thinking in times of scientific accelerations. It began with the loss of reputation, followed by the loss of the job. At the end, history of science lived, not unhappily, ever after as curators of the legacy of Science as we knew it.


Und am Ende kümmerten sie sich um das Wissenschaftsmuseum…

最后,他们照顾了科学博物馆……这就是科学史的故事,以及为什么它在 21 世纪最终策划了科学遗产,正如我们所知。曾几何时,科学史与自然科学和医学科学及其蜡模型、植物标本馆、地质收藏品以及所有曾经是现代的科学仪器并驾齐驱,安静而勤奋。突然,大约在 1980 年,人们对哲学、社会学和文化研究产生了新的兴趣。诸如理性的历史、实验室底层技术人员的历史以及自然与文化混合体的本体论和认识论等具有挑战性的研究问题激发了知识分子的讨论。虽然这个领域蓬勃发展,获得了大量资金,甚至可以建立自己的研究机构,千禧年后,它的存在逐渐受到威胁。自从启蒙运动失利以来,我们所知道的科学。新经济而不是国家不再为研究提供资金。在科学加速的时代,科学史并没有成功地作为数据、盲点、赝品、错误信息、谎言、阴谋论和历史思维的专家而幸存下来。它始于声誉的丧失,其次是工作的丧失。最后,科学史作为我们所知的科学遗产的策展人,并没有不快乐地活着。新经济而不是国家不再为研究提供资金。在科学加速的时代,科学史并没有成功地作为数据、盲点、赝品、错误信息、谎言、阴谋论和历史思维的专家而幸存下来。它始于声誉的丧失,其次是工作的丧失。最后,科学史作为我们所知的科学遗产的策展人,并没有不快乐地活着。新经济而不是国家不再为研究提供资金。在科学加速的时代,科学史并没有成功地作为数据、盲点、赝品、错误信息、谎言、阴谋论和历史思维的专家而幸存下来。它始于声誉的丧失,其次是工作的丧失。最后,科学史作为我们所知的科学遗产的策展人,并没有不快乐地活着。