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Trans-poetics in Hiromi Goto’s novels
The Journal of Commonwealth Literature ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1177/0021989420980105
Zhen Liu 1

“Trans-” ideas — such as transgender, transnation, translation, and transculture — are being redefined in current research, and their full potential as critical categories is coming into view. Stryker, Currah, and Moore propose, for instance, that “transgender” should be seen not only as a descriptive term for identity, but as a valuable tool for dismantling the violence of the binary system and transcending traditional paradigm. In this article, I explore the possibilities of the prefix “trans” as a tool to dismantle discriminatory binary oppositions in Japanese Canadian writer Hiromi Goto’s novels. I argue that Goto creates transing spaces for her inbetweeners, or monsters. By claiming territory and affirming the value of liminal spaces for outcasts and misfits, those regarded as aliens or monsters can finally be at ease and at home. I also propose that the many dysfunctional families described in Goto’s novels are not only immigrant but transnational families that have to deal with transcultural politics to understand each other. Throughout my reading of the novels, the spatial-temporal dimensions of trans-ideas are stressed and demonstrated.



当前研究中正在重新定义“跨性别”思想,例如跨性别,跨性别,翻译和跨文化,并且它们作为关键类别的全部潜能正在得到体现。例如,Stryker,Currah和Moore提出,“变性者”不仅应被视为身份的描述性术语,而且应被视为消除二元系统暴力和超越传统范式的宝贵工具。在本文中,我探讨了前缀“ trans”作为消除加拿大加拿大裔日本作家后藤浩美(Hiromi Goto)小说中歧视性二元对立的工具的可能性。我认为后藤为她的中间人或怪物创造了过渡空间。通过宣称领地并确认流浪者和怪兽的门廊空间的价值,那些被视为外星人或怪物的人最终可以在家里安心。我还建议,后藤小说中描述的许多功能失调的家庭不仅是移民,而且是跨国家庭,必须处理跨文化政治问题才能相互理解。在我阅读小说的整个过程中,跨思想的时空维度都得到强调和展示。
